CHAPTER 24. "This happens for a reason"

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"No worries Chaemi! Probably the witness knows it all. " Juyeon said and Chaemi agreed to him. Juyeon said and Chaemi agreed to him.

As time goes by, Sangyeon and Hyunjae rang the doorbell of Chaemi's house then Juyeon and Chaemi opened the door and...

"Good morning Juyeon and Chaemi!" Sangyeon said and smiled at them.

"Good morning Sangyeon and Hyunjae, where is the witness?" Chaemi said and then they showed a man who is in their back and Chaemi can't recognize him.

"You can come inside and we know that you shouldn't introduce the witness out here in the apartment," Juyeon said and all of them went inside and sat in the living room.

"I am sorry I know this is not allowed that we will to talk to you together with the witness here in your place because we just don't trust other people in the police station especially some of them are on Mr. Kim's side too and they don't want us to re-investigate Mr. Seo and Mr. Jinho's case," Hyunjae said.

"What? Are you serious? " Juyeon asked.

"Yup! They just want us to claim that both of them committed suicide and that makes us furious with those people. Oh well, let's just talk about for today about Chaemi's parents' case. " Sangyeon said and all of them agreed and Chaemi looked at the witness.

"Umm.. can you introduce yourself to me? Because I don't have any idea who you are." Chaemi said.

"I am Chae Jongshin, friend and colleague of your father when he was still working in KS Food Corporation," Jongshin said.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Mr. Jongshin! Can you tell us what really happened to my parents?" Chaemi asked.

"I just remembered that when I was about to go to your house and meet your parents, suddenly when I became near to the house I saw there were three persons and all of them were outside the house but the only person who is talking to your parents is a woman with a red scarf that has embroidered initials of K. H and I think the two men that were beside her are probably her bodyguards because it seems the woman is rich. But then suddenly she ordered them to kill them by shooting them a few times. But I didn't hear what was her name because that time it happens quickly and I didn't hear any of their conversations." Jongshin said.

"What? A woman is behind my parent's death?" Chaemi said.

"Yes, Ms. Chaemi! I hope I gave you enough information to know who might be the killer." Jongshin said.

"Don't worry Mr. Jongshin. I am glad that you be able to tell us what happened." Chaemi said.

"I just can't stop thinking about when your father died since he is really my close friend at work and I am sorry that I didn't tell you right away and also, you had a difficult life when your parents died," Jongshin said.

"I understand Mr. Jongshin that you are trying to protect yourself too that time. So, no need to be sorry." Chaemi said and Jongshin just nodded.

"Also, I want to tell you something about Mr. Seo and Mr. Jinho's case," Jongshin said.

"What? Do you know anything with those cases too?" Sangyeon asked.

"Yes, Mr. Sangyeon! I just can't take it anymore that my son keeps helping his boss to kill them." Jongshin said and all of them were confused.

"What? Your son? We don't understand Mr. Jongshin." Juyeon asked.

"To be honest, I am also Chae Jaeyoung's father who is now working for Mr. Kim Mingyu as his bodyguard," Jongshin said and Chaemi and Juyeon were shocked at his revelation.

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