CHAPTER 23. Second wish fulfilled!

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Then the next day, while they are having a lunch break in a restaurant....

"Chaemi and Juyeon, how's the visit to Mr. Shin Jaeho yesterday?" Jacob asked.

"It was great and It was very clear to me that Jinho really gave me the journal to me on purpose," Chaemi said.

"What do you mean Chaemi?" Eric asked.

"Mr. Shin told us that whatever a bad plan or bad wish that will be written in the journal will happen to the owner," Chaemi said and all of them were shocked.

"What? It means that if Jinho gave that journal to Mr. Kim and wrote his bad plans to his enemies, there will be a chance that he will be also killed in no time?" Jamin asked.

"Yup! Also, it means that Jinho is really concerned about Mingyu." Juyeon said.

"Gosh! Being the owner of the journal you have, is kinda hard if you have really had bad intentions towards people then your life will be hell too." Jacob said.

"You're right! That's why I should be more careful what to write in the journal." Chaemi said.

"But did you already tried to write a simple wish in the journal?" Jacob asked.

"Yup! My first wish was to be promoted in work and it happened." Chaemi said.

"Oh! That's great! But did you have other things you wrote in the journal?" Eric asked.

"I hope someone will turn out as a witness when my parents were killed. So, that I will know who is the real killer of my parents." Chaemi said.

"Oh! Good luck with your second wish. We believe that someone will approach you and somehow tell what really happened to your parents." Jacob said.

"Thanks, guys! I will tell you about it when that happens in few days." Chaemi said and all of them nodded then all of them went back to work but suddenly someone sent a message to Chaemi and it was Mingyu and it says...

"Chaemi I want to talk to you in my office. -K.M"

As soon as Chaemi saw his message to her, she grabbed Juyeon's hand and...

"Wait! Where are we going?" Juyeon asked.

"Mingyu wants to talk to me and of course, you should come with me," Chaemi said and smiled at him and he smiled back at her.

"Jacob! Mingyu just wanted to talk to me in his office and I will bring Juyeon with me." Chaemi said.

"Ok! Just be careful talking to him, ok? You know, we shouldn't be caught that we know his secrets and we don't want to be all of us in danger." Jacob said.

"No worries Jacob! We will do our best not to spill the beans about his secrets or whatever things we know about him." Juyeon said and Jacob nodded and both of them left their department and went to Mingyu's office and when he saw Juyeon was with Chaemi again.

"Chaemi, why do you have to bring Juyeon with you every time I will talk to you?" Mingyu said as he raised his eyebrows and looked at Juyeon and he smirked at Mingyu.

"Why? Does it bother you? Just tell your questions or whatever you want to talk to her and I will listen. Also, if you don't want me to interfere with your conversation with Chaemi just ignore me and don't be so obvious that you are bothered by my appearance." Juyeon said and had a fake smile at him.

"Fine! I have no choice! I just want to ask that why you and Juyeon went to Mr. Shin Jaeho's place?" Mingyu said and looked at the two of them.

"Wait! How did he know we went to his place? Did he just watch our actions too?" Chaemi thought.

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