CHAPTER 17 "I should reveal a secret to you"

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"Remember the journal that Mr. Kim Mingyu ordered from an old man?" Jinho said.

"Yup! What about that?" Yuri asked.

"To be honest, I already got the journal but I didn't give it to Mr. Kim," Jinho said.

"Huh? Why?" Yuri asked and Jinho sighed.

"The maker of the journal, Mr. Shin Jaeho told me not to give it to him because he might use the journal in a bad way and whatever bad plans he will write in that journal, Mr. Kim will be in big trouble and there's a possibility that it will happen to him and his life will be in hell," Jinho said and Yuri was shocked.

"I don't understand Jinho," Yuri said.

"Whenever you write some good plans or good wishes in the journal they will happen in a few days," Jinho said.

"Oh! I get it now what you mean that the journal has like special power to make wishes and plans happen? Am I right?" Yuri said.

"Yup! You're right!" Jinho said.

"But why did you think that Mr. Kim will not use the journal in a good way?" Yuri asked.

"Yuri, I knew in the past few days that Mr. Kim killed the HR director," Jinho said and Yuri was surprised at his revelation.
"What? Mr. Kim killed someone? How did you know?" Yuri asked and Jinho sighed again.

"Since I am his executive secretary I can easily hear his conversation with his bodyguards and also, he even told one of his bodyguards that they should ensure that there will be no traces of evidence when he killed the HR director," Jinho said.

"OMG! I am really scared for you now Jinho because you know that he is a dangerous person." Yuri said as she worried about him.

"I know I am scared too. Since I am hiding something from him. So, Yuri, I want you to remember that whatever Mr. Kim will ask about the journal, don't tell him that I gave the journal to another person." Jinho said.

"Ok! I will remember that Jinho! But whom did you gave the journal?" Yuri said.

"You know Park Chaemi, right?" Jinho asked.

"Yup! You gave it to her?" Yuri asked.

"Yes! I told you that it was her birthday last night and I gave that journal as a gift to her. So, don't ever tell Mr. Kim that I gave it to her because she will be in danger too." Jinho said.

"Ok, Jinho! Don't worry I will not tell him when he asks about that journal." Yuri said.

"Good! Because he might notice me that I still didn't give the journal to him. You know, we are just preparing when that happens." Jinho said.

"Don't be like that Jinho! I don't want you to be in danger." Yuri said and hugged him and Jinho hugged her back.

"Don't worry Yuri, I will not be in danger," Jinho said and comforted Yuri. As for Mingyu who is just in the house...

"Mingyu, what happened last night on Chaemi's birthday?" Hyori asked.

"I don't want to talk about it Hyori," Mingyu said.

"Why? What happened?" Hyori said and Mingyu sighed and looked at her seriously.

"Chaemi chose Juyeon. That made me really disappointed last night!" Mingyu said in an angry tone.

"What? How can you say that?" Hyori asked then one of Mingyu's hands scratched his head in frustration and glared at her.

"They just freaking kissed in front of me when we were playing truth or dare. So, can you please just leave me alone first?" Mingyu said and tried himself to calm down.

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