CHAPTER 22. "I will trust the two of you"

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The next day, in the afternoon Chaemi and Juyeon went to Shin Jaeho's house...

"Good afternoon Mr. Shin," Chaemi said.

"What brings you here? It's my first time to see the two of you here." Jaeho said.

"I am Park Chaemi and this is Lee Juyeon, we are friends of Mr. Oh Jinho," Chaemi said.

"Ah! The executive secretary of Mr. Kim Mingyu?" Jaeho said.

"Yes, Mr. Shin! We heard that Mr. Jinho went here and you gave the journal to him." Juyeon said.

"Yes! Why? By any chance, did he already gave you the journal?" Jaeho asked.

"Yes, Mr. Shin! This is the journal and he gave me as a birthday gift. But I am confused why did he give it to me instead to the real owner of the journal." Chaemi said and Jaeho sighed.

"I don't trust Mr. Kim Mingyu at all if he will be the one who will use that journal it will not be good for him," Jaeho said.

"Ok! To be honest, at first, we didn't believe that this journal can't make our wishes or whatever will be written down here will happen but when I wrote my wish to get promoted, it happened. But can you explain to us what will be the consequence if bad plans or wishes will be written here?" Chaemi said.

"Ok! It seems that Mr. Jinho really trusted you to use that journal. The good wishes or whatever you wrote in that journal will happen after two days but if you will write something that's for your future, of course! it will not happen that quickly. But the most unacceptable to write in that journal are those bad desires towards people because we know that those kinds of people don't deserve to be happy and successful. It means that whatever filthy and inappropriate wishes they will write there, will also be their fate. So, I am asking the two of you please use this journal in a good way and never write bad wishes or plans here. So, I will trust the two of you." Jaeho said and looked at both of them.

"But Mr. Shin, it means that whatever bad plans or wishes that will be written here. Will happen to the owner of the journal?" Juyeon said.

"You're right Mr. Juyeon!" Jaeho said and both of them were shocked.

"Oh! Now I know it's really crucial to be the owner of this journal." Chaemi said and Jaeho slightly laughed at her.

"I know Ms. Chaemi, but it seems you are not the type of person who will just write your hatred towards people, right?" Jaeho said and smiled at her.

"Yes, Mr. Shin! "Don't worry, we will always write not only wishes but our beautiful memories here in the journal. " Chaemi said.

"That's great! By the way, where is Mr. Jinho?" Jaeho asked and then suddenly Juyeon and Chaemi's face became sad and...

"To be honest, after two days of my birthday when he gave this journal to me, he was killed." Chaemi said and Jaeho was surprised at her revelation.

"What happened to him?" Jaeho asked.

"We talked to Jinho's girlfriend and she told us that Mingyu probably is the killer because before Jinho was killed, he told his girlfriend that Mingyu also killed an employee in our company and he heard all their conversation with his bodyguard," Juyeon said.

"My instinct was right! He lied to me when I asked him an important question. No wonder why Mr. Jinho followed my orders to him that he really shouldn't give the journal to his boss because he already sensed something to him and it was a bad one." Jaeho said and both of them sighed.

"I think Mingyu will regret later that he killed Jinho. Since Jinho was really concerned about Mingyu what might happen to him." Juyeon said.

"You're right Mr. Juyeon! I really felt that he was very concerned about his boss and didn't want Mr. Kim's life to be miserable." Jaeho said.

"By the way, Thank you, Mr. Shin, for making us understand the real purpose and consequences of using this journal," Chaemi said and smiled at Jaeho.

"Thank you also, Mr. Shin, that you will trust us using this journal and we will never disappoint you especially to Jinho who gave the journal," Juyeon said.

"No problem Ms. Chaemi and Mr. Juyeon! Just always live your life to the fullest you two!" Jaeho said and smiled at them and they smiled back at him.

"We have to go Mr. Shin! Thanks for your time and have a nice day!" Chaemi said.

"Ok! Have a nice day to the two of you and I will wish the two of you will have a peaceful life until both of you will be married too." Jaeho said and both of them blushed and they left Jaeho in his place. But they didn't know that someone followed them and it was Jaeyoung and he called Mingyu.


Mingyu: Why did you call Jaeyoung?

Jaeyoung: We followed Mr. Juyeon and he is with Ms. Chaemi and they went to Mr. Jaeho's house.

Mingyu: Oh! Ok! Thanks for the information Jaeyoung.

Jaeyoung: But Mr. Kim, what should we do with Mr. Jaeho?

Mingyu: Hmm... it seems he is not a problem for us since Jinho was the one who didn't give me the journal. But I thought it would be better if we just kill him too because he might know about Jinho's death too.

Jaeyoung: Ok Mr. Kim! I will do it.

Mingyu: Ok! As always don't ever leave a trace of evidence.

Jaeyoung: Yes! Mr. Kim!

Mingyu: Good! I have to go!


"I wonder why Chaemi and Juyeon went to Mr. Shin's place? By any chance, do they have my journal?" Mingyu thought.


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