CHAPTER 30. Successful plan! - Final

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"Wow! I didn't expect we have the same journal. But can you explain to us now how did you know his exact plans for today?" Chaemi said and Wonwoo smiled at them then started to explain to them.

This was Wonwoo's successful plan...

Wonwoo went to Mingyu's house late at night but he didn't go inside his house, because he went to Mingyu's car and installed a tracking device on it. Then while Wonwoo sometimes meets him in his office space, he silently placed a recording device under his desk where he can listen to Mingyu's conversations on the phone that made Wonwoo knows the location of where Chaemi and Juyeon will be brought after they will be abducted. Before the day of Mingyu's plan to Chaemi and Juyeon, he went there with Sangyeon and Hyunjae and they installed CCTV cameras on it and they left the place. Then on the day of Mingyu's plan, he sent a message to Juyeon that they should prepare for themselves on what will happen to them. Then when Chaemi and Juyeon were now inside the room, Mingyu and Hyori didn't know that the police and Wonwoo were watching on a laptop what was happening in the room. Then Wonwoo just went to the scene and showed his journal to him and pretended that he had Mingyu's journal and he will burn it that made the siblings confessed their crimes.

After Wonwoo told about his whole plan, Chaemi and Juyeon were shocked.

"Wow! We never expect you have done it all!" Chaemi said.

"Wonwoo! You are the best! Thank you so much again for the big help!" Juyeon said and smiled at him.

"No problem guys! Also, I am glad that I helped you because finally the people that Mingyu killed and also for Chaemi's parents,' justice will be served to them." Wonwoo said and smiled at them.

"You're right Wonwoo! Also, I am glad we helped each other including Mr. Jaeyoung's help too even though he will be also arrested because he was involved in the cases." Chaemi said.

"Oh! I see! Is he one of Mingyu's bodyguard?" Wonwoo said.

"Yup! Before Mr. Jongshin died, he told us that Jaeyoung is loyal to Mingyu that's why he keeps helping him to kill Mingyu's enemies." Juyeon said.

"Oh! I see! I am glad that you two are not hurt before I went into the scene." Wonwoo said. Then that time Sangyeon and Hyunjae approached them.

"Chaemi and Juyeon! Are you alright?" Sangyeon asked.

"We are alright don't worry!" Chaemi said.

"I am glad that you are not hurt by them. Also, it's a big thanks for Wonwoo's plan and we made the Kim siblings go to jail" Hyunjae said and smiled at Wonwoo.

"I know! He already told us how did he know Mingyu's plans and we were surprised. " Juyeon said.

"Wonwoo, thank you for helping us making Mingyu and Hyori confessed to their crimes and this will be great evidence too including Chaemi's photo of the pen and paper that was found in Mingyu's office space in his house that was used for making the fake suicide notes," Sangyeon said.

"To be honest, when I knew that Mingyu was killing people it made feel very uncomfortable since I might be the next one who will be killed by him," Wonwoo said.

"You're right Wonwoo! Also, you are brave when you did your plan because it was a dangerous move too and thankfully he didn't notice it in the first place." Hyunjae said.

"By the way, Hyunjae how did you and Wonwoo met and became friends?" Juyeon said.

"Wonwoo and I became friends when we were in middle school," Hyunjae said and smiled at him.

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