CHAPTER 26. The real Kim siblings

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The next day, Jaeyoung made sure that no one can follow him going to Chaemi's house. But while he was driving going to the place, he suddenly noticed that someone is following with a red car and he tried to drive as fast as he can but then he successfully made the red car lost track of him and arrived safely at Chaemi's house and he rang the doorbell and Juyeon was the one who opened and...

"Good morning Mr. Juyeon! I am Chae Jaeyoung." Jaeyoung said.

"You are at the right time! Come in!" Juyeon said and as soon as Jaeyoung came in.

"Oh! Good morning Mr. Jaeyoung!" Chaemi said and smiled at him. Then all of them sat in the living room.

"So, I am curious right now about the pieces of evidence that were left in the crime scene that the police gave you. Can I see it?" Jaeyoung said.

"Before we get into that, can you tell us what happened before your father went missing?" Chaemi asked.

" My father told me that he was a witness of your parents' death and also, he told you what Mr. Kim did to Mr. Seo and Mr. Jinho and also I was involved with it," Jaeyoung said and can't look at them.

"We know that you don't want to kill them and also, Mingyu just ordered you to do it too," Chaemi said.

"But may we ask if there are other persons that he killed too before Mr. Seo, Jinho, and Mr. Shin?" Juyeon said.

"To be honest, I've been his bodyguard for 4 years already and I have to tell you that he already killed many lives that were working in the company. But before Mr. Seo died, his male secretary was also killed because he also witnessed that Mr. Kim is killing someone at that time and when he was about to tell the police we kidnapped him and Mr. Kim killed him." Jaeyoung said and sighed.

"Wait! You mean the reason why Mr. Seo posted in the bulletin board that we shouldn't trust him is that he knew also that Mingyu killed his secretary?" Chaemi said.

"Yes, Ms. Chaemi! I am really sorry that you are now having a hard time too since you two were also close to Mr. Jinho" Jaeyoung said.

"It means you are not really on Mingyu's side now? We are just verifying it don't get us wrong." Juyeon asked.

"Yes! I am on your side now since I know my father is now in danger too and now was missing too and I felt more guilty and the reason why I helped Mr. Kim do all of it is that I don't want me and my father to be in danger and it's also because of my loyalty to him." Jaeyoung said.

"Ok! We understand now Mr. Jaeyoung, here are the left pieces of evidence in the crime scene and probably you are seeing these things." Chaemi said and showed the photos of the left pieces of evidence and Jaeyoung checking the photos.

"Does Mingyu really likes to see his crimes as suicide on his victims? So, that he will not be suspected?" Juyeon asked.

"Yes! He always does that and he was always the one who leaves a fake suicide note." Jaeyoung said.

"Does Mingyu was the one who writes the fake suicide note but with different messages on it?" Chaemi asked.

"Yes! The paper and pen he used for writing those fake suicide notes were also used it in his own office in his house and I always see them on his table." Jaeyoung said.

"Oh! That's good that we have a clue where to find those pieces of evidence." Chaemi said.

"Why? Do you have a plan?" Jaeyoung asked.

"I think I should visit Mingyu's house and we will try to search and took a photo carefully of the pieces of evidence to prove that he has all of these things and he was the one who uses it not the victims," Chaemi said.

"What? That's a dangerous move Ms. Chaemi!" Jaeyoung said.

"Mr. Jaeyoung is right! Or if you want I can go with you." Juyeon said.

"Ms. Chaemi, Mr. Kim is a quick-witted person and he can easily sense what's your intention," Jaeyoung said.

"Let's see since I am close to him and also, he really likes me going to his place since I am also close to his sister," Chaemi said.

"Ok! Just be careful when you are there and also, you thought Ms. Hyori is a good person?" Jaeyoung said and Chaemi was confused.

"Huh? What do you mean Mr. Jaeyoung?" Chaemi said.

"The Kim siblings are both evil and I heard that a long time ago, she ordered to kill someone too. But I am not sure if she still doing it. Since the siblings have considered many enemies in the company." Jaeyoung said.

"What? I didn't expect that they both committed crimes! They really should face the consequences in what they've done to those innocent people." Chaemi said.

"You're right! Don't worry Chaemi as we help Sangyeon and Hyunjae we will definitely make them get in jail." Juyeon said. Then suddenly someone called Jaeyoung and it was Sangyeon. Then Chaemi and Juyeon noticed that Jaeyoung was now crying and he hang-up the phone call.

"What happened Mr. Jaeyoung?" Juyeon asked.

"My father was also found dead too and I know that Mr. Kim killed him because he sent me a threatening message last night when my father went missing," Jaeyoung said as he still crying.

"Mingyu has really no mercy in killing innocent people!" Chaemi said.

"Mr. Jaeyoung, don't worry we will help each other to make the Kim siblings go down and reflect on what they've done," Juyeon said.

"Yes! I really believe that they will live in hell someday!" Jaeyoung said.

"By the way, my condolences to you, Mr. Jaeyoung, and also, we might not go to your father's funeral because Mingyu might sense something about the three of us. Also, your father and my father are friends when they are still working in KS Food Corporation." Chaemi said.

"Me too, My condolences to you, and also, don't worry justice will be served to your father soon," Juyeon said.

"Thanks, Mr. Chaemi and Mr. Juyeon! Also, I understand that you two will not go to the funeral since I don't want the two of you to get in danger too. Just be careful when you are going to Mr. Kim's house." Jaeyoung said.

"No worries Mr. Jaeyoung! We will be more aware of our actions." Chaemi said.

"Ok! I have to go and I will arrange for my father's funeral." Jaeyoung said.

"Take care and be careful of Mr. Kim too! Probably he will be there later." Juyeon said.

"Yup! Don't worry since the police might be there and he can't get closer to me that long," Jaeyoung said and both of them nodded and Jaeyoung left them in her house.

"You know I felt that we became like investigators for two days because of Jinho's death," Chaemi said and Juyeon slightly laughed at her.

"You're right! Also, the revelation of Jaeyoung to us about the Kim siblings is really unexpected and shocking too." Juyeon said.

"I am now thinking that Mingyu might also suspicious to us since he knew that his father went here and told about his wrongdoings at us and to your police friends," Chaemi said.

"So, what's your plan in going to Mingyu's house?" Juyeon asked.

"I think I should talk to Mingyu about going in his place and have a bonding with them. You know what I mean?" Chaemi said and winked at him.

"I get it, Chaemi! But still, be careful ok? Since Mingyu is eyeing on us too." Juyeon said.

"Ok! Don't worry Juyeon! We can do this!" Chaemi said and Juyeon agreed to her.


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