CHAPTER 9."No one will never destroy us." - (M/TW)

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- I want to remind my readers that I don't have any intention to make an idol to have a bad image in real life and this is only a FICTION it means that the scenes are only IMAGINARY EVENTS and they will never happen in real life. I hope you understand! Thanks readers! :)

As for Chaemi and Juyeon who is now quietly working, someone sent a message to Chaemi and it was Mingyu.

"Chaemi, Jinho told me that you want to talk to me with Juyeon? - K.M"

"Yup! You want us to talk to you, right now? - Chaemi"

"Sure! Since I am not that busy as of the moment. - K.M"

"Ok! We will be there in your office in a minute. - Chaemi"

"Ok! See you! - K.M"

After Chaemi's conversation with Mingyu...

"Juyeon let's go to Mingyu's office. We will talk to him now." Chaemi said and Juyeon nodded and they informed Jacob they will be going to his office and both of them went into Mingyu's office.

"Good afternoon Chaemi and Juyeon! So, Chaemi did you like what I gave to you?" Mingyu said.

"Mingyu you don't have to give me an expensive gift to make me forgive you. I will return this to you. Also, before I forgive you but you should apologize to Juyeon with sincerity" Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"I have no choice but to follow Chaemi!" Mingyu thought and sighed.

"If you will not apologize to him with sincerity then, I will just forget what I am here for and just don't talk to you," Chaemi said and raised her eyebrows.

"Fine! I am sorry Juyeon for my rude behavior to you." Mingyu said and looked at Juyeon and he let his hand out to shake hands with him and he slightly smirked at Mingyu.

"Mingyu just did this because he just doesn't want Chaemi to ignore him. Oh well, this is not such a big problem though." Juyeon thought and didn't hesitate to shake hands with him.

"It's ok Mr. Kim!" Juyeon said and slightly smiled at him.

"Ok! I think we are all good now? Also, the bag that I gave you is all yours now, and just accept it, ok?" Mingyu said and looked at Chaemi.

"Ok! Thanks, Mingyu! I just really hope you will not do it again because if you will, I will never talk to you again. Remember that Mingyu, ok? I am serious." Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"Ok! Ok! I will remember that Chaemi. I know that I didn't control my anger to you at that time." Mingyu said.

"By the way, we also saw that one of the employees posted something on the bulletin board of our web portal. How are you going settle things to that employee?" Juyeon asked.

"Juyeon is right. How will you talk to him or what action you will do to that employee?" Chaemi said and Mingyu sighed again.

"Why do the people around me keep asking me about this matter? I know some of them were concerned but still, I am bothered." Mingyu thought.

"I am sorry but I don't want to disclose it because this is a personal or private matter within me and that employee. I hope you understand." Mingyu said and looked at them.

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