CHAPTER 12."What a good actor and psycho he is."

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Then the next day while they are working, Chaemi noticed that Juyeon is just staring at his computer and he was like thinking something deep in his mind and...

"Juyeon! Juyeon!" Chaemi said and he called him few times and Chaemi waved her hands in front of his eyes and...

"Oh! I am sorry Chaemi! Do you need anything?" Juyeon said.

"None! I just noticed you are just staring at your computer and you seemed to be distracted. Did something happen last night when you are going home?" Chaemi asked.

"Someone followed me last night and I had the chance to confront the driver of the car and he just told me that the one who tells him to follow me is my rival and the person that I only consider as my rival is Mr. Kim," Juyeon said.

"Huh? Mr. Kim is your rival? In what sense?" Chaemi said.

"You don't need to know Chaemi. I was just really sure that Mr. Kim was the one who ordered him to follow me everywhere. Because of what he planned for me. It makes more think that he has a hidden side that we don't know." Juyeon said.

"It means that Mingyu really doesn't trust you. But why does he have to do that?" Chaemi said.

"Chaemi, I will be straightforward ok?" Juyeon said and Chaemi nodded.

"You know that Mr. Kim really likes you, right? " Juyeon said.

"Yup! I know that. So, what is the relationship with that?" Chaemi said and Juyeon sighed kinda get frustrated at her question.

"Mr. Kim doesn't want me to be with you from the start and probably he hired a person to follow me because he wants to discover something from me and he can use it to make a bad image of me to you and I don't want that to happen," Juyeon said as he tried to calm himself.

"Ok! I get it now Juyeon. I am sorry if I am clueless. It means he has possible plans for you?" Chaemi asked.

"Yup! So, I think it will be best for us not to trust that much Mr. Kim." Juyeon said.

"I agree with you Juyeon. Don't worry I will not tell Mingyu that I know he hired someone to follow you." Chaemi said.

"Ok! Thanks, Chaemi for believing me," Juyeon said.

"No problem Juyeon! I don't want you also to get in danger too." Chaemi said and smiled at him and Juyeon smiled back at her.

"Stop flirting too much the two of you. We should finish some work." Jacob said as he smiled at them and both of them blushed and just went back to work. As for Jinho who is also working on a document, someone sent a message to him and it was Ms. Lee who is an executive secretary and Jinho was shocked at her message.

"I can't believe that Mr. Kim killed someone! I really should be careful with my actions especially when it comes to the journal that he wants to have it." Jinho thought and calmed himself and went to Mingyu's office to tell the news but Jinho pretends that he didn't know.

"Mr. Kim, Mr. Seo was already found but the bad news is, he was found dead in an abandoned building," Jinho said.

"What? Did someone kill him there?" Mingyu asked shockingly.

"What a good actor and psycho he is!" Jinho thought.

"They say that Mr. Seo committed suicide because there was a suicide note and then a gun is in his hand," Jinho said.

"Ok! Thanks for the info Jinho. I will call my men where they are now since they also helped to find Mr. Seo you can go back to work now." Mingyu said and Jinho nodded and went back to work. As Jinho left Mingyu in his office, he called Jaeyoung.

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