CHAPTER 18. The time has come. - (M/TW)

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As Yuri is waiting for Jinho, she became worried because he hadn't returned yet and she kept calling his phone but he didn't answer her calls and she decided to go to the convenience store and she asked the cashier and told the features of Jinho if he has gone inside the convenience store but the cashier answered her that Jinho didn't come by in the convenience store and as she left the convenience store and went back home, she started to get worried.

"I hope Jinho will not happen something bad to him. I hope he will come back today." Yuri said and tried to calm herself down. Then for Chaemi and Juyeon who is helping each other to clean her place...

"Juyeon, I will just call Mingyu and will try to talk to him. Is that alright for you?" Chaemi asked.

"It's ok Chaemi!" Juyeon said and smiled at her.

"Ok! Thanks, Juyeon!" Chaemi said and Juyeon nodded and she smiled back at him. Then Chaemi called Mingyu and...


Chaemi: Mingyu! I really want to talk to you.

Mingyu: If you just want to talk about what happened to your birthday. I don't have time to talk about that.

Chaemi: Mingyu, don't be like this! I still want you to be my friend. I know that you will find another girl that will definitely love you.

Mingyu: *sighed* I don't know Chaemi! When I saw that you just kissed Juyeon in front of me it was the most heartbreaking moment for me. Do you know that?

Chaemi: I am really sorry Mingyu. But I don't want our friendship to be broken because I also value our friendship so much since I became an employee in your company and also, I appreciate your kindness to me whenever we are seeing each other in the office. Please Mingyu!

Mingyu: *sighed again* Ok! I will forgive you Chaemi. Well, I have no choice since you already chose someone.

Chaemi: Are you sure about that Mingyu that you already forgave me?

Mingyu: Yup! I am sorry that I left the celebration at that time because I was just really disappointed and got frustrated that day.

Chaemi: I understand how you feel Mingyu. By the way, your gift to me is really beautiful and don't worry I will wear them when I am in the office.

Mingyu: Ok! Thanks, Chaemi! I have to do something now. Have a nice day and be careful as always!

Chaemi: Have a nice day and take care too, Mingyu!


After Chaemi had a conversation with Mingyu...

"Juyeon, I already talked to Mingyu," Chaemi said.

"What did he tell you?" Juyeon said.

"He admitted that he became frustrated and his heart became broken because I kissed you in front of him," Chaemi said.

"Oh! But did he already accept that you chose me?" Juyeon asked.

"Yup! It means I am still friends with him. But you are not jealous, right?" Chaemi said.

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