CHAPTER 8."Don't trust him too much."

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Then as time goes by, it was their lunch break and they noticed that Jinho is not joining them.

"Where is Jinho? I thought he will join us for a lunch break." Eric said.

"Jinho told me that Mr. Kim will join him for lunch today," Juyeon said.

"By the way, where is Jamin?" Chaemi asked.

"Jamin went somewhere to meet a client and probably she is now having lunch with the client. So, Chaemi what did Mr. Kim tell you when you are with Juyeon?" Jacob asked.

"As usual, he was kinda uncomfortable to see Juyeon with me. But he apologized to me about what happened last night." Chaemi said.

"Did you forgive him?" Eric asked.

"I just told him that I will still think if I should forgive him or not because of his rude behavior to Juyeon earlier," Chaemi said.

"Did Mr. Kim do something to Juyeon?" Jacob asked.

"Don't worry Jacob he didn't do something to me. It's just he wants me to back off and don't want me to interrupt their conversation. That's all" Juyeon said.

"I think we should just be quiet and careful from now on when Mr. Kim is around," Jacob said and all of them agreed. As for Jinho who is having a lunch break with Mingyu...

"Mr. Kim, I am sorry that I overheard that you and Chaemi have some misunderstanding. What happened?" Jinho asked.

"I just got angry at her because she was suspicious about what she saw in the restaurant where I met a man and gave him money," Mingyu said.

"Why did you give money to a man you met?" Jinho asked.

"I just helped the man. That's all. Nothing else. But still, she was not convinced by my answer when we met in the restaurant with Ms. Cho Jamin. Jinho you think I will do something bad to others?" Mingyu said and looked at Jinho and he gulped.

"No! Mr. Kim I believe you will not do evil or bad things to other people," Jinho said and looked at Mingyu.

"I am glad you believe me Jinho! You are the one whom I can trust" Mingyu said and smiled at Jinho.

"By the way, are there any updates about the journal?" Mingyu asked.

"I called Mr. Shin and he told me he can finish making the journal by next week. He also told me that he is sorry that he makes you wait for a long time." Jinho said.

"Oh! Ok! I understand Jinho. Thanks for the update." Mingyu said.

"No problem Mr. Kim!" Jinho said.

"I am sorry Mr. Kim for not telling the truth. It seems Mr. Shin has a reason and I have to keep it as a secret."Jinho thought and both of them went back to work. As for Chaemi and Juyeon, who are working, someone sent again a message to Chaemi and it was Mingyu.

"Chaemi I am sorry about my rude behavior earlier and also, what I did to you. Please forgive me! I mean it. :( - K.M "

As Chaemi saw his message to her, she just smirked and didn't reply to his message and Mingyu was waiting for her reply but suddenly Chaemi set the chat in a busy mode where an employee can't continue to chat to another employee even the higher management or the executives can't continue to chat with them and because of that, he gets frustrated.

"I should make a move to make Chaemi forgive me," Mingyu said and tried to calm down himself. Then as time goes by, it was time for them to go home then when Chaemi and Juyeon were waiting for the elevator, Mingyu approached them and...

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