CHAPTER 5. Bonding with him.

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As Chaemi and Juyeon arrived her apartment...

"Juyeon thanks for today that you comforted me, joined me to pay respect to my late parents, and also, bringing me to a beautiful place too," Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"No problem Chaemi! Thank you too that you let me join you today." Juyeon said and smiled back at her.

"Of course! Because you know my parents since when were in middle school they were fond of you." Chaemi said and Juyeon laughed.

"Fond of me? Why?" Juyeon asked.

"My parents like you and they even want you to be my future husband," Chaemi said.

"Wow! Your parents have just the right choice." Juyeon said and winked at her and Chaemi had a fake laugh at him.

"I don't know if my parents have the right choice to choose you," Chaemi said and Juyeon just laughed at her.

"You want me to prove it to you, right now?" Juyeon said and he suddenly went closer to her and Chaemi was surprised at his action and he staring at him and she just gulped and when he was about to kiss her...

"What is he thinking, right now?" Chaemi thought.

"Lee Juyeon stop! This is not the right time, ok?" Chaemi said and Juyeon suddenly stopped at his actions and just sighed.

"Fine! Maybe I will just prove it next time." Juyeon said and Chaemi just laughed at him.

"I have to go, Juyeon. I will still fix some things in the apartment. See you in the office." Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"Ok! Take care and be safe as always Chaemi! Just send me a message if you need help." Juyeon said.

"Don't worry I will send you a message. Thanks again for today and drive safely going home." Chaemi said and Juyeon nodded and Chaemi went out of his car and went inside her apartment and Juyeon left.

"My gosh! I don't know what is going with Juyeon" Chaemi thought and just laughed but when she remembered that when he was about to kiss her she suddenly gulped and she just shook her head to cut-off her thoughts towards Juyeon. Then suddenly someone interrupted her.

"Thinking about Juyeon or Mr. Kim?" a woman asked and Chaemi was surprised that her friend named Cho Jamin was in her apartment.

"Jamin! When did you arrive?" Chaemi asked.

"Chaemi, you didn't answer my question, do you think about Juyeon or Mr. Kim Mingyu?" Jamin said and Chaemi just laughed.

"I don't think about them too much, ok? So, when did you arrive?" Chaemi said.

" Yesterday I arrived here. So, how's Eric and Jacob in the office? Also, how's your admirer, CEO Mr. Kim Mingyu?" Jamin asked and smiled at her.

"Eric and Jacob were fine and doing great. About Mingyu, he was just always calling me suddenly in his office but I thought it was a serious thing we will talk about and he keeps just asking me to have either have a lunch break or have dinner with me." Chaemi said and Jamin laughed as she heard her story.

"It seems he is determined to go out with you even though you two are in the office huh? But do you accept or reject his offer?" Jamin asked.

"Sometimes, I am accepting it because he keeps insisting that he will be the one will pay for it but there were times that I still reject because still, I am more comfortable with my friends than having a lunch break with a CEO of a company because you know many ladies have eyes on me that they were like stabbing me in a million times whenever they see me with Mingyu. It bothers me and it's stressful to see them. Gosh!" Chaemi said and Jamin just laughed again.

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