CHAPTER 16. Journal Unlocked! - M

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The next day, the first one to wake up is Chaemi and she is looking at Juyeon who is still sleeping.

"So handsome as ever! I will never regret that I accepted him as my boyfriend." Chaemi thought and she kissed his lips and hugged him that made Juyeon wake up and smiled at her.

"Good morning baby girl! How was your sleep?" Juyeon said.

"I slept well because you are beside me. How about you?" Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"I just feel the same way too. Also, I am happy that we are now in a relationship." Juyeon said and smiled brightly at her and kissed her lips that made Chaemi blushed but then she suddenly kissed Juyeon more and he was shocked at her actions and then Chaemi stopped at her actions and Juyeon smirked at her.

"It seems you want some more huh?" Juyeon said and winked at her and Chaemi gulped.

"Gosh! I shouldn't have done that!" Chaemi thought.

"Umm... let's have breakfast first," Chaemi said and smiled at him and Juyeon slightly laughed at her.

"Someone's changing the topic," Juyeon said and Chaemi just laughed.

"Let's just have some breakfast first and I am hungry. Ok?" Chaemi said.
"Hungry for me babygirl?" Juyeon said and smirked at her.

"Juyeon! Can you stop calling me a baby girl? Let's just have breakfast, ok?" Chaemi said.

"Fine! I can just join you for a shower later." Juyeon said and winked again at her.

"Whatever Juyeon! I am really hungry now for real food, not you!" Chaemi said and Juyeon nodded and laughed. Then while both of them are having breakfast...

"Do you have anything to do for today?" Juyeon asked.

"Nope! You can stay with me here until tomorrow if you want." Chaemi said and smiled at her.

"Oh! I am really surprised at your words Chaemi. But ok! I will stay here until tomorrow since we still have no work for tomorrow." Juyeon said and smiled back.

"That's great! I just really want to be with you today until tomorrow." Chaemi said.
"Thanks, Chaemi!" Juyeon said and kissed her lips quickly and Chaemi blushed again. Then after having breakfast...

"Chaemi I think you should open your gifts now," Juyeon said and smiled at her.

"I think I want to open them after I will shower," Chaemi said and suddenly Juyeon smirked again.

"I want to join with you in the shower. Please Chaemi!" Juyeon said and pouted and Chaemi gulped.

"My gosh! How can I resist my man like this!" Chaemi thought.

"Fine! You can join me." Chaemi said and Juyeon smiled brightly. Then as soon as they went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, Juyeon trapped Chaemi in the wall and kissed her passionately and Chaemi responded to his kiss. Then Juyeon's kisses went to her neck as he licks and suck it that made Chaemi moaned softly his name and she ran her hands in his back and then Juyeon sucks her collarbone that made a hickey on it. Then his lips went to her breast and he sucks it roughly that made Chaemi moan loudly his name.

"I love your tits so much they are so sensitive," Juyeon said and continued to suck, lick and massage them. Then Juyeon kisses every inch of her that made her moan non-stop and he suddenly spread her legs wide and went between her and Chaemi look at Juyeon and he smirked at her.

"Fuck! He is always hot!" Chaemi thought and her thoughts were cut-off when Juyeon darted his tongue and...

"Ah! Juyeon! Shit!" Chaemi moaned and Juyeon smirked at her then he continued to eat her out as he licks her core at a fast pace that made her hands holds Juyeon's hair and moaned non-stop and then he decided to insert one of his fingers into her while he is eating her out.

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