CHAPTER 7. "Did he already met him?"

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As Mingyu got home, Hyori noticed that he has a problem and she approached her brother.

"Hey, Mingyu! What's with that face? It seems you have a problem." Hyori asked.

"I drove Chaemi home," Mingyu said.

"Oh! You should be happy because he accepted you to drive her home." Hyori said.

"I know, but Chaemi ruined my good mood while I am driving her home," Mingyu said.

"Huh? Why? What did she do?" Hyori asked.

"Yesterday, Chaemi and Jamin saw me meeting someone and they saw that I gave money to a person and made that man escorted by my bodyguards. I thought Chaemi will be convinced by my answer when they asked me why I gave the man money but Chaemi still seems to be suspicious of me that I will do a bad thing to the man and that made me furious at her and I almost hurt her because of my anger." Mingyu said.

"Oh! I see! Mingyu, remember next time, if you have a serious problem with the person you will meet, don't set up a meeting at a public place where many eyes watching you because that will be big trouble for you. Also, that is a big minus point to win Chaemi's heart. So, please plan your meetings properly if you don't want to be suspected by someone." Hyori said and Mingyu just sighed.

"I should apologize to Chaemi tomorrow. I should just have control of my anger." Mingyu said.

"You really should apologize, Mingyu. We don't know that she might tell it to others what you did to her." Hyori said and Mingyu nodded and just went to his room and rest.

"I hope Chaemi will not dig in on what she saw. It will be also big trouble for her if she will get involved in the situation. She should stay out of it." Hyori thought and just went to sleep.

Then the next day, Chaemi was the first one to go to the office and Juyeon was next and before they start to work...

"Hey, Chaemi! how was Mingyu driving you home last night?" Juyeon said and Chaemi suddenly sighed.

"Why is your face like that? Tell me." Juyeon said and looked at her with concern.

"It was my first time seeing Mingyu got angry last night," Chaemi said as she slightly stuttered.

"Why? Did he do something to you last night? I really should be just the one who drives you home and it seems you are now scared of him." Juyeon said.

"To be honest, Mingyu heard us talking about me being bothered by what I saw last Sunday in the restaurant and he suddenly asked me why am I suspicious of him with anger and gripped my arm. But don't worry Juyeon, I am now ok." Chaemi said.

"Are you sure about that? Don't ever let Mingyu drive you home again, ok? We really should be careful for now Chaemi." Juyeon said and Chaemi nodded.

"I didn't expect he will react that way and because of that, it seems he hides something," Chaemi said and sighed.

"You're right Chaemi! For now, let's just be quiet about what Mingyu did to you." Juyeon said and Chaemi nodded.

"You really should be suspicious Chaemi," Eric said and then Juyeon and Chaemi were shocked that they heard their conversation.

"When did you arrive Jacob and Eric?" Juyeon asked.

"Just five minutes ago and we just heard what you are talking about. Just be careful when Mr. Kim is around, ok?" Jacob said and Chaemi nodded.

"Don't worry Chaemi, we will not tell others what we heard about Mr. Kim," Eric said.

"Thanks, guys! I will be more careful from now on." Chaemi said.

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