CHAPTER 21. "It's not just a coincidence"

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"Also, don't worry Yuri someday justice will be served for Jinho," Juyeon said and all of them agreed.

"Yuri we have to go now and we still have work tomorrow," Chaemi said.

"Ok! Thank you for all of you for paying respect and visiting Jinho's funeral." Yuri said and smiled at them.

"No problem Yuri! Since all of us are close friends of Jinho." Juyeon said.

"Also, thank you for telling me what you know about Mr. Kim," Chaemi said as she smiled at her and Yuri smiled back.

"I believe that Jinho is really happy to have you guys as his friends because you will help us to make Mr. Kim get in jail," Yuri said and all of them agreed and when they left she waved goodbye to them. After Chaemi and her friends left, a surprised visitor came and it was Mingyu and Yuri tried not to get nervous.

"Gosh! How dare Mr. Kim going here at his funeral! He is really a shameless person!" Yuri thought.

"So, you are Ms. Yuri. Nice to meet you! I am so sad to hear that Jinho passed away since he is my loyal executive secretary and he is a good friend of mine too." Mingyu said.

"Yes! Mr. Kim. Nice to meet you too!" Yuri said.

"Can we talk for a while?" Mingyu asked and Yuri nodded as she tried to hide her nervousness to him But then someone interrupted them and it was Hyunjae.

"I am sorry to interrupt Mr. Kim. I know you want to talk to Ms. Yuri but can we invite you again to the police station to talk about something with you?" Hyunjae said.

"Ok! Ms. Yuri, we can talk next time.I hope you accept my condolences." Mingyu said as she smiled at her but she tried to smile back at him. As Mingyu went to the police station for the second time, he also went to the same room where last time, Sangyeon asked him questions about Mr. Seo.

"Good evening Mr. Kim!" Sangyeon said.

"Good evening Mr. Sangyeon! What do you want to talk about now?" Mingyu asked.

"Well, of course, it's about Mr. Oh Jinho this time. Since we heard that he is your executive secretary, right?" Sangyeon said.

"Yes! He is my loyal executive secretary and also, he is my friend." Mingyu said.

"Ok! Thank you again for helping us find him" Sangyeon said.

"No problem! Since I want to help Ms. Yuri too." Mingyu said.

"Oh! Ok! That's great! Did you know who might be Mr. Jinho's enemy or a person who had a misunderstanding with each other? " Sangyeon said.

"Jinho didn't tell me anything if he has an enemy or not. Since there were times, I am kinda busy going to my business trips." Mingyu said.

"Ok! But we noticed that two of your friends just suddenly died and you were always the first one who participate to help us." Sangyeon said and looked at him.

"Why Mr. Sangyeon? Is it a bad thing that I participate to help you find missing people?" Mingyu said.

"No! It's not a bad thing Mr. Kim. But it was just odd that whenever your bodyguards easily find them, they were always found dead. Why do you think that always happens? " Sangyeon said.

"Wait, Mr. Sangyeon! Are you telling me that I might be the killer?" Mingyu said in an angry tone and Sangyeon smirked.

"Calm down Mr. Kim. I am just asking you and you just have to answer it with honesty. If you will not answer my question you will be our prime suspect," Sangyeon said and both of them looked at each other that made the room full of tension.

"Go ahead Mr. Sangyeon, If you want to investigate me. But I will just tell you that, you will never find anything to me." Mingyu said and looked at him.

"Let's see Mr. Kim! You may leave now. Thanks for your time." Sangyeon said and Mingyu left the room and the door was slammed loudly that made Hyunjae startled while waiting outside the room and he saw that Mingyu was angry.

"I will prove to them that I am not the killer." Mingyu thought and just left the police station. When Sangyeon went outside the room...

"Sangyeon, what happened to Mr. Kim? He seems to be pissed off." Hyunjae said and Sangyeon smirked.

"Hyunjae, I can feel that Mr. Kim is hiding something from us whenever he is participating to help us to find his dead friends," Sangyeon said.

"It means Mr. Kim will be our prime suspect for now?" Hyunjae said.

"Yup! I became suspicious when I just asked him why does that happen always whenever he helps us to find a missing person they were always found dead and he became angry all of a sudden." Sangyeon said.

"You're right Sangyeon! Also, it seems that it's not just a coincidence that Mr. Seo and Mr. Jinho were already found dead when Mr. Kim helped us." Hyunjae said.

"It's funny that Mr. Kim didn't think of that and he thought we will not notice those kinds of things? Is he underestimating us? We know that he is a CEO and has the power to do all the things that can make him successful but let's see if Mr. Kim can use his power until the end." Sangyeon said and smirked. As Mingyu went home, Hyori noticed that he is in a bad mood.

"Mingyu, what happened? It seems you are in a bad mood right now." Hyori said.

"That police, Mr. Lee Sangyeon starts to suspect me that I am the killer of Jinho and Mr. Seo," Mingyu said.

"What? Why? Don't tell me you showed anger to the police." Hyori said and Mingyu sighed.

"How can I not show my anger and he is likely saying to me that it was not a coincidence that whenever I help them finding Mr. Seo and Jinho they were both found already dead. That made me furious Hyori!" Mingyu said.

"Mingyu, I told you to control your anger as always whenever you talk to the police, right? No wonder why he started to get suspicious of you when you reacted to the police like that. But I know you will always find ways how will they never find anything about you." Hyori said.

"Of course I am Hyori! I will have my plans. I just got mad at Jinho because my journal was given to someone else and yet, I still don't know even his girlfriend doesn't know about the journal too. I am so disappointed that I didn't have a chance to use the journal for my plans so, that I will not have a hard time doing all of this." Mingyu said.

"Don't worry Mingyu, you will find and know who is that person using your journal in the next few days," Hyori said.

"I really hope so Hyori! When I find out who was using that journal I will make that person's life miserable." Mingyu said and smirked.


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