CHAPTER 19. First wish fulfilled!

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Then going back to Yuri who is still alone in the apartment and didn't stop to walk around, someone called him and it was an unknown number and she answered it


Yuri: Who is this?

Unknown caller: Good evening, You are Ms. Yuri, right?

Yuri: Yes! Why?

Unknown caller: Oh! Ok! By the way, I am Kim Mingyu, the boss of Jinho.

As Yuri heard that it was Mingyu, she started to get nervous but tried to talk to him in a normal way.

Mingyu: Ms. Yuri, are you still there?

Yuri: Ah! Yes! I am surprised that you called me suddenly at this hour.

Mingyu: Chaemi called me and you told her that Jinho is missing. I want to inform you that I will help to find him.

Yuri: Oh! Ok! But he really didn't meet you today or visit you?

Mingyu: Nope! Don't worry I will inform you when we already found him.

Yuri: Ok, Mr. Kim! Thanks!

Mingyu: But I want you to ask you one question.

Yuri: What is it, Mr. Kim?

Mingyu: Did Jinho mention you or tell you about a journal?

"OMG! He is now asking me about the journal! I already promised Jinho that I will never say anything about the journal." Yuri thought.

Yuri: No! Mr. Kim! Also, he hasn't talk that much about his work.

Mingyu: Oh! Does it mean you really don't know a single thing about it? Like whom he gave the journal?

Yuri: Yes! I really don't know Mr. Kim.

Mingyu: Ok! Thank you for answering my question. But if I caught you that you are lying, there will be an unexpected fate will happen to you. Are we clear about that Ms. Yuri?

Yuri was taken aback which made her nervous because of his words.

Yuri: Yes! Mr. Kim. Don't worry I am telling the truth.

Mingyu: Good! I will just update you when we already found him. Good night!

Yuri: Ok! Good night Mr. Kim!


"Gosh! Mr. Kim might really know what happened to Jinho! Also, when did he know about the journal? This is making me crazy! I really hope Jinho is safe." Yuri said as she cried because of she was really worried about him. Then the next day, Juyeon and Chaemi, went to the office at the same time and while they are working, Jacob sent a message to her.

"Chaemi, can I talk to you, right now? I will be in the conference room.- Jacob"

"Ok! I will be there at any moment. - Chaemi"

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