CHAPTER 2. "I will never let my guard down"

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It was another day in the office and Chaemi is setting up for work and someone approached her and it was Juyeon.

"Good morning Chaemi! Early as always." Juyeon said.

"Of course! Being punctual in work is my specialty." Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"I know right! That's why you have a good record here in the company." Juyeon said and smiled at her. Then as time goes by, it was time for them to work. Then while they are working, Jinho suddenly went to them and...

"Hey, Jinho! Why are you here?" Juyeon asked.

"Jacob, Eric, Chaemi, and Juyeon I will treat all of you for lunch," Jinho said and smiled brightly at them.

"Oh! That's great! Also, are we celebrating something?" Eric said.

"Eric is right, You suddenly treating all of us. Is there something that happened?" Jacob asked.

"Nope! I just really want to join you for lunch and also, I was alone every day when having a lunch break." Jinho said and pouted.

"Huh? Why? I thought you are always with Mr. Kim when having lunch?" Chaemi said.

"I will tell you later about the truth. Just wait for me for lunch ok? I will treat all of us." Jinho said and winked at them.

"Ok! See you later Jinho!" Juyeon said and smiled at him. Then Jinho left them in their office and went back to his working station near Mingyu's office. As for Mingyu who is inside his office, someone called him and his friend Jeon Wonwoo.


Mingyu: Hey Wonwoo!

Wonwoo: How's life?

Mingyu: It's fine as always but sometimes stressful. How about you?

Wonwoo: Me too! I am kinda stressed with handling the company of my parents. But sometimes, I can handle it. Also, are you already dating Chaemi?

Mingyu: Aren't you in a rush Wonwoo? I am still not dating Chaemi. But we are getting closer as time goes by and my sister Hyori approves of her when I told her that I like Chaemi.

Wonwoo: Oh! That's great! You should just confess to her right away. Juyeon might be the first to confess to her.

Mingyu: I am not rushing things, okay? Also, I will not be able to get Chaemi that easily away from Juyeon because they are really close friends.

Wonwoo: Ok! I understand Mingyu! By the way, how about the thing you are mentioning to me do you already have it?

Mingyu: Nope! I still don't have it and Jinho told me that it will take a while to make it.

Wonwoo: Oh! Ok! But are you sure that the thing will make your wishes fulfilled?

Mingyu: I think so! That's why I tried to request someone to make it for me and I want to discover it If it's true.

Wonwoo: But you are not gonna use it in a bad way, right?

Mingyu: Me? There's no way I will use it in a bad way.

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