CHAPTER 6. "Why did you get suspicious to me?"

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The next day, it was a normal day in Kim Food Industries Corporation and all the employees are working quietly. While Chaemi is working, someone sent her a message in their web portal and it was Mingyu.

"Have lunch with me! - K.M"

"No thanks, Mingyu! I will join with my friends. - Chaemi"

As Mingyu saw her reply to him...

"Why does she keeps rejecting me!" Mingyu said in a frustrating tone.

"How about I can drive you home? You promised me that you will not reject me next time to drive you home- K.M"

"Mingyu is determined! " Chaemi said and sighed.

"Fine! Since you don't like people who break their promises. But just for today, ok? - Chaemi"

"Yup! Have a nice day Chaemi and see you after work! - K.M"

"Ok! See you later! Have a nice day too! - Chaemi"

Then Chaemi didn't know that someone saw her message to Mingyu and it was...

"I see that Mr. Kim will drive you home tonight," Juyeon said and Chaemi was surprised at Juyeon's presence at her back.

"I just don't want him to be disappointed to me because I promised that next time I will not reject him. I hope you understand Juyeon. Don't worry just for today he will drive me home." Chaemi said and looked at him with an apologetic face.

"Fine! Do whatever you want Chaemi. I will go back to work." Juyeon said and just went back to his working station and Chaemi pouted.

"It seems he is the one who is now disappointed." Chaemi thought and sighed and went back to work. As for Mingyu who is in the office, he called Jinho inside his office and he went inside.

"Why did you call me Mr. Kim?" Jinho asked.

"Are there any updates about the journal? I am kinda getting impatient since I need it." Mingyu said.

"Why does Mr. Kim really into that journal?" Jinho thought.

"I am sorry Mr. Kim! Mr. Shin Jaeho told me it will take weeks to make the journal since it was a special one." Jinho said.

"Are you sure about that Jinho? Or are you hiding something from me?" Mingyu said and looked at Jinho with anger in his eyes.

"No! I am not hiding Mr. Kim! I am telling the truth." Jinho said with his nervousness in his voice.

"I will believe you Jinho. You know I don't like people who are hiding something from me, right? Or else you will be what?" Mingyu asked.

"I will be doomed, Mr. Kim. Don't worry I am always telling the truth to you." Jinho said as he tried to calm himself down from being nervous seeing Mingyu who is angry.

"Ok! I hope you always remember that and also, you know I easily get impatient." Mingyu said.

"Yes, I know that Mr. Kim! I will call again Mr. Shin Jaeho when can he finish making your journal." Jinho said

"Ok! Good! You can go back now to work." Mingyu said and Jinho nodded and just went back to his working station.

"Why does Mr. Jaeho keeps me waiting for that journal." Mingyu thought and became frustrated. As for Jinho, went back to work...

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