CHAPTER 15." We are inseparable." - M

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As time goes by, it was time for them to go to Chaemi's house, and as all of them went inside her place...

"Happy Birthday Chaemi! Did you decorate all of these? You did great decorating things. " Jamin said as she gave her the gift to her and smiled at her.

"Thanks, Jamin! Also, the food is waiting for all of you" Chaemi said and smiled at them.

"Happy birthday Chaemi! This is for you!" Juyeon said as he gave his gift to Chaemi and both of them smiled at each other and stared at each other but then Mingyu is looking at them.

"Are they really gonna flirt with each other in front of me?" Mingyu thought and suddenly did a fake cough and...

"Oh! We're sorry Mingyu!" Chaemi said and Juyeon slightly laughed and Mingyu looked at him and raised his eyebrow and Juyeon just went inside.

"Happy birthday Chaemi! I hope you like my gift for you and also this is Hyori's gift. She can't make it tonight because she is very busy!" Mingyu said and smiled at her.

"Tell Hyori that it's ok and I understand and thank you very much for these gifts!" Chaemi said and Mingyu nodded and also went inside her place.

"Happy Birthday Chaemi! I hope you will take care of this and use this gift in a good way." Jinho said and smiled at her.

"What are you talking about Jinho? Don't worry I will use this in a good way. Thank you!" Chaemi said.

"No problem Chaemi!" Jinho said and both of them smiled and all of them went inside her place. As they started to eat dinner....

"Guys! after our dinner, do you want to play truth or dare while drinking some beer later?" Chaemi said and winked at them.

"That's a great idea Chaemi! I'm in!" Eric said.

"Me too! I'm in!" Jamin said and the others are looking at each other especially Mingyu and Juyeon.

"What about the others? Mingyu, Juyeon, Jacob, and Jinho? We should be having fun this night since it's my birthday! Also, I don't want to be this celebration boring." Chaemi said and smiled at them.

"Ok! I am in!" Juyeon said and smiled at her.

"Me too! I will be playing with all of you." Mingyu said and all of her friends looked at him shockingly and Chaemi noticed it.

"Guys! Why are your reactions like that? Don't you want Mingyu to play with us later?" Chaemi asked.

"No! We are just kinda shocked that our CEO will play with us," Jacob said and Mingyu slightly laughed at them and...

"I want to tell you that I can consider all of you as my friends. So, please don't be intimidated by me. Also, you can call me Mingyu since we are not in the office now." Mingyu said and smiled at them.

"Ok! We will try our best Mr. Kim. I mean Mingyu!" Eric said and tried to smile at Mingyu.

"Thanks, guys! I just want all of you to be comfortable around me, ok?" Mingyu said.

Ok! Mingyu, we will remember that!" Jamin said and smiled at him and Mingyu smiled at her. Then Chaemi and Juyeon noticed that Jacob is staring at Jamin who is still looking at Mingyu.

"Hey, do you see how Jacob looks at Jamin?" Chaemi said as she whispered at Juyeon.

"Yup! It seems he is jealous." Juyeon said and both of them laughed.

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