CHAPTER 4. "I will never disappoint our parents."

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As for Chaemi and Juyeon, they were eating their lunch while admiring the beautiful ocean beside them.

"It's so relaxing to see the ocean here and also, thank you Juyeon for bringing me here," Chaemi said and smiled at Juyeon.

"No problem Chaemi! I am glad that you like the place!" Juyeon said and smiled at her.

"Of course! Also, this is like a healing rest day with you." Chaemi said and smiled back at him. Then after they eat their lunch, they were about to leave the place but...

"I don't want to leave this place Juyeon," Chaemi said as she pouted and Juyeon laughed.

"You are so cute when you are like that! But don't worry we can go back here anytime." Juyeon said and winked at her and Chaemi blushed.

"That's your promise, ok?" Chaemi said.

"I promise Chaemi! I also know other places and we can go there with Jacob and Eric too." Juyeon said.

"That would be great Juyeon! It seems you know some good places to relax and rejuvenate, huh?" Chaemi said.

"Yup! My parents are fond of going to this kind of place because they are always stressed in their work and I am always going with them." Juyeon said.

"Oh! Now I know and that's good because we can go to the places you know." Chaemi said.

"We can set a vacation with our friends because we don't go on a vacation that much when we started working in an office," Juyeon said.

"I agree with you. We can tell Jacob that it can be our team building too. Sounds good, right?" Chaemi said.

"That's a great idea Chaemi! We can tell him when we go to work." Juyeon said and both of them smiled at each other. Then while they are going back to Chaemi's apartment, someone sent a message to her and it was Mingyu.

"Chaemi I heard that it was your parents' death anniversary, Hyori told me earlier. I was

planning to approach you and Juyeon in your parents' grave also to pay respect to them but I have to leave quickly because I have to meet someone. Also, I heard that your parents were killed and I hope someday the culprit will be caught. -K.M"

Then Chaemi just replied to Mingyu.

"It's ok I understand! Thank you and I appreciate it Mingyu! - Chaemi"

"Who is it Chaemi?" Juyeon asked.

"It's Mingyu, he told me that he was in the cemetery earlier and he just knew about my parents' death anniversary because Hyori just told her and he was about to approach us but he suddenly left because he has to meet someone and he also heard what we talked about in the cemetery," Chaemi said.

"Oh! It means that he really went there to see you and also wants to pay respect to your parents too?" Juyeon said and Chaemi nodded.


"Did you meet Chaemi today?" Hyori asked.

"I saw her in her parents' grave with Juyeon. But I didn't approach them because I just don't want to disturb her but I already sent her a message and she appreciated my simple message." Mingyu said and smiled at her.

"But I thought you want to compete with Juyeon and yet you didn't approach them?" Hyori said.

"Hyori, it's not the right time to compete with Juyeon and I also want to respect Chaemi today as she is remembering her parents too," Mingyu said.

"Oh! I didn't expect you have a soft side too huh?" Hyori said.

"My soft side is only for Chaemi and also, I don't want to have a bad image to her because I want to win her heart. But for the people who are blocking my way, I have a hidden side that they will never figure it out." Mingyu said and smirked.

"When it comes to your so-called hidden side, you are doing great Mingyu! That's why our company is stable and didn't have any flaws at all." Hyori said and Mingyu just winked at his sister.

"Well, it's because I learned something from my beautiful sister," Mingyu said and smirked and Hyori just laughed at his statement.

"I know right! If our parents are here now, probably they are proud of you especially dad who put you in the position where you are right now." Hyori said.

" I will never disappoint our parents," Mingyu said and smiled widely.

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