CHAPTER 3. "I can sense he is lying."

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As Juyeon approached Chaemi in the lobby...

"Why did you take so long?" Chaemi asked as they go to Juyeon's car.

"Mr. Kim just talked to me before I left the office," Juyeon said.

"Huh? What did he tell you?" Chaemi asked.

"Nothing serious. He just wants to tell me that he is head over heels to you." Juyeon said.

"What? Why did he tell you that?" Chaemi asked.

"I don't know. Forget it Chaemi. It's not like he is threatening me, ok?" Juyeon said.

"Ok! I know that Mingyu cannot do such bad things." Chaemi said.

"Oh! You are now calling him by his name?" Juyeon said.

"Why, is there a problem with it? To be honest, when we are talking to each other he keeps telling me to call him by his name." Chaemi said.

"Fine! I will not complain." Juyeon said.

"You are just jealous," Chaemi said.

"Me? Jealous? No, I am not!" Juyeon said.

"What a terrible liar you are, Lee Juyeon," Chaemi said and she just laughed at him.

"Can we just change the topic?" Juyeon said and Chaemi is still laughing at him and suddenly Juyeon glared at her and Chaemi stopped laughing.

"This is the first time I saw him glare at me like that and he was like he was going to eat me any time. I really should stop now." Chaemi thought.

"Ok! Ok! I will stop. I am sorry Juyeon. To be honest, your eyes scared me away." Chaemi said and Juyeon just smirked at her words as he focused on driving.

"Why do you think Mingyu didn't tell Jinho where he was going?" Juyeon asked.

"Maybe he was just uncomfortable not to tell him?" Chaemi said.

"Or maybe he has secrets that he doesn't want to tell others," Juyeon said.

"Huh? What secret are you referring to?" Chaemi said.

"We still don't know but I think he has either a good or a bad secret," Juyeon said.

"Probably it will be a good secret, right?" Chaemi said.

"I hope so Chaemi. Since we still don't know who Mr. Kim Mingyu is." Juyeon said.

"I just have a feeling that he is a good person. That's all." Chaemi said and as they reached outside of her apartment and Juyeon looked at her.

"Ok! I will not argue with you Chaemi. I know you are close to the Kim siblings but I want to remind you they are just showing good and kind things to you because you are an employee in their company and Mr. Kim likes you but we don't know what they are doing privately outside of work." Juyeon said.

"You have a point but just trust me Juyeon. Mingyu is a good person. I have to go and Thank you for driving me home! Good night!" Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"Ok! I will trust you Chaemi. Good night!" Juyeon said and smiled back at her and he waved goodbye to her and she went inside her apartment and Juyeon left. As for Mingyu who is now in their house...

"Hey Mingyu, it seems you are upset when you came home," Hyori said.

"Chaemi didn't accept my offer to drive her home and she decided to go with Lee Juyeon," Mingyu said and sighed.

"Oh! You are jealous whenever Chaemi is choosing Juyeon, huh?" Hyori said.

"Yup! But I already told Juyeon that I like her and it seems he is not threatened that I might get Chaemi's heart." Mingyu said.

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