CHAPTER 29. "Sudden appearance" - (M/TW)

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The next day, while they are having some breakfast, someone sent a message to Juyeon and it was Wonwoo and he reads...

"Juyeon prepare for yourselves today! I am just giving you a hint. - Wonwoo"

As soon as Juyeon saw Wonwoo's message he was confused and Chaemi noticed his facial expressions.

"Hey, Juyeon! Who sent you a message?" Chaemi asked.

"It's Wonwoo and he said that we should prepare for ourselves," Juyeon said.

"What does he mean?" Chaemi asked.

"I think Mingyu and Hyori have bad plans for us today and we should prepare for it," Juyeon said.

"What? Are you serious? I thought he's gonna help us?" Chaemi said.

"I think Wonwoo has plans and we don't know what it is. Just prepare for ourselves this day, ok? So, we should trust Wonwoo." Juyeon said.

"Ok! I hope whatever plans he has will be successful today." Chaemi said.

"I really hope so too! Also, I hope he will not be caught by Mingyu." Juyeon said.

"It will be very hard for him to betray his friend but he is just doing the right thing," Chaemi said and Juyeon nodded and then someone knocked on their door and Juyeon opened the door, and then suddenly many men went inside Chaemi's place and both of them were shocked.

"Shit! It is happening, right now!" Chaemi thought.

"Who the hell are you?" Juyeon asked and the men just smirked at them.

"What do you need from us?" Chaemi asked.

"Just come with us and we will be alright. Also, our boss is waiting for you." the man said and then Chaemi and Juyeon looked at each other and both of them just agreed to come with them and their hands were tied up.

"Wait! Seriously? You really should tie us up?" Chaemi asked.

"Sorry, Ms. Chaemi it's our boss orders." the man said and Juyeon looked at Chaemi like to tell her that they should just follow them and Chaemi sighed and became quiet. As they reached an abandoned building, both of them were tied up in the chair that is facing each other and both of them looking at each other.

"Chaemi, just think everything will be alright today," Juyeon said and Chaemi sighed and someone butted in and...

"Everything will be alright? Ha! Let's see if everything will be alright if you two will be able to escape here." Mingyu said as he showed up himself and followed by his sister Hyori.

"Nice to meet you again Chaemi and Juyeon!" Hyori said and smirked at them.

"We are not surprised that you two siblings are evil!" Chaemi said and glared at them.

"Oh! Do you know anything about us?" Hyori said and stared at Chaemi.

"Of course, we are! You are the one who ordered to kill my parents! How dare you Hyori!" Chaemi shouted at her and Hyori smirked at her and held her chin tightly and glared at Chaemi.

"Do you know they were the reason why our parents suffered and died huh!? I just did some revenge for them and they deserve to be dead!" Hyori said and let go of her chin and Chaemi can't look at her and started to cry.

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