*everyone is suddenly teleported into a Japanese AU (alternate universe)*
Foxy (stands up): Where the heck are we?
Bonnie (eyes some cherry trees): Apparently, Japan.
Chica: Our kimonos are so cute! (Hers is yellow tied with a pink sash; Bonnie's is purple, detailed and tied with red; Freddy's is brown and detailed with black; Foxy's is red and detailed with orange)
Foxy: Meh. They're okay.
*all of them spot a Japanese home in the distance, surrounded by cherry trees*
*all approach the house*
Foxy: Let's hope someone's home. *knocks on door*
*author opens the door, wearing a kimono similar to Bonnie's but detailed with magenta*
Author: おはようございます、 フォクシい様と彼のともだち.
Foxy: What on earth is she saying?!
Naz: "Good morning, Foxy-sama and his friends".
Foxy: What's with the "-sama" tidbit?
Human: It's a title that shows your... eh... I guess your "authority" over her... I don't know.
Author (nods): はい.
Lauren: Come on in!
*everyone comes into the building and kicks off their shoes by the front door*
Chica (eyes a low-set table with food on it): What's that? (Points to the food on it)
Naz: "Everyone's lunch".
Freddy: So... uhh... we sit here?
Foxy: Where the h£ll did Author learn Japanese?
Human: She's been learning it for a while.
Foxy: I see...
Human (nudges Foxy, who is stuffing his face with orange chicken and receiving an evil look from Chica): She wants our attention.
Author: バス‼️
Everyone: WHAT?!
Author: バス❗️❗️❗️
Everyone: ENGLISH
Author (in 100% PERFECT ENGLISH): BUS!
*bus comes in through the wall and everyone dies until the next episode*
Author's Japanese:おはようございます、フォクシい様と彼のともだち
Ohayō gozaimasu, Fokushī-sama to kare no tomodachi.
Good morning, Foxy-sama and his friends.はい
Mina-san no ranchi desu.
Everyone's lunch.はいよ!お願いします!
Hai yo! Onegaishimasu!
Yes! Please!ねえ、皆さん!
Nē, Mina-San!
Hey, everyone!バス!!
Bus!!Note: I'm still and amateur when it comes to Japanese so in sorry if anything said in this translates into Japanese and has a bad meaning, I didn't have my reference book with me and this couldn't produce proper Japanese phrases. Just (Freddy Faz)bear with me on this one, okay?
I am horrible.

FNAF on Drugs: Bonnie on Crack, 5 Nerds at Freddy's, and other jacked-up stories
FanfictionA bunch of random scripts I wrote for the heck of it. FEEL THE COCAINE