Chapter Nineteen

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Sunday. I wake up with a terrible hunger because I didn't eat last night from all that wet accident.

So this time, I wake up earlier than him to make our breakfast. He walks in the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Awh man. You won me this time."

"I always win you in the end," I say with a smirk as I go towards the counter and finish up making a fruit salad. He comes over and stands behind me. The feeling of his breath on my neck creates a blush on my cheeks and a smile starts on my lips. Then his hands slip to the sides all the way to my belly and he starts moving from side to side making silly music noises.

He mumbles horribly a song in my ear and it makes me tickle, so I move out of his hold. "Stop that!" I say. He playfully follows me and once again puts his hand from behind me on my belly and starts tickling my ear with his loud whispers. I giggle and shiver at his touch as I say, "Shaun. Please. I'm hungry. I wanna finish this."

"Oh come on! She wants to dance! Let's dance!" He makes me move slowly from side to side to match to his movement behind me. And he's not wrong. She bounces and kicks wildly at the sound and giggles of our silliness.

I fall for his playful command and turn around so he can tenderly take one of my hands and the other puts it on my waist. He mumbles and makes me laugh with the words of a song and the silly voices he does. Then he stays silent and I fall for his warm touch. The loving feeling of his warmth on my body.

Shaun clears his throat, and starts to softly sing in his beautiful voice now and I close my eyes at the sound of it. I let out a breath at the sudden feeling of home that fills my heart. It's so weird. I've never felt this before so strongly as I am now as we move along to the quiet voice of his song. Even she seems to slow dance with us as she only moves around and stretches.

A loud and low growl from my stomach makes Shaun stop and I'm upset that my stomach interrupts us. Shaun smiles and says, "We have to feed you quick now." I lay a long kiss on his lips before going back to finishing up breakfast.

Before we start to pray to eat, I text my sisters that I'll see them tomorrow morning for school. They only send in their okays and to stay safe. I put my phone away and dig into my plate after praying.

"Do you have to go back today?" Shaun says in the middle of our silent eating. I look up at him and see that sadness in his eyes. I smile and say, "No. I can stay any weekend I want."

"Really?!" His eyes shine bright at this and his smile widens. I nod and he says, "Do you wanna come over for a sleepover next weekend, too?"

I laugh loudly at his term and happily nod. "Every weekend let's do a sleepover!" We share a laugh and go back to eating. After a while, I look up with a furrowed brow at the memory that he has outside work other than the facility, too. "Hey. Don't you work on Saturdays, too? How did you manage to get a day off?"

"I called while you were inside changing. I asked for this weekend off and they said it was okay. Now I will call them and tell them I can't do weekends anymore."

He gives me a wink and I say, "Won't you get fired?"

He shakes his head and says, "Don't worry about it, sweetheart." I smile at the confidence he gives me and finish up eating.

By the time I finish, a pain on my skin from my stretching belly reminds me that I haven't used that cream that Shaun gave me for two nights now. I tend to put it on every night before laying down. So the itchiness bothers me as I wash the dishes with Shaun. I click my tongue with irritation at one point and turn off the water. Shaun watches me as I dry my hands and I say, "I'll be right back. I forgot to put on your cream and the itchiness is killing me."

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