Chapter Twenty Six

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I keep telling myself not to worry. You have a little one inside of you that feels it all. Don't worry. No nerves. Everything's going to be okay.

But I can't help but worry as the room fills up with leaders. I give my respect as King Peter and the rest of the royals come in. Peter has a strong posture on and comes along with Elizabeth. His blue eyes soften when he sees me and he gently says, "Vivica. I didn't know you were expecting..."

"Surprise," I say with a light smile. Peter gives me a gentle smile and says, "Don't worry. We won't let our old enemy get near you. I've defeated her once. I can do it again."

I give him a firm nod and watch as he goes off with the rest of the royalty. Then I see my sister enter the room and her eyes frantically looks for us. Her bright blue eyes finds Anna by my side and comes to give us a relieved hug.

"You don't know how happy I am to see my crazy ladies," Indina says as she runs a gentle hand down our cheeks.

"What happened, Dina?" Anna says with fear. Indina's face turns hard as she says, "Mother has found us. Peter will want to talk to her. Set peace before she's stupid enough to attack the facility." Anna does a small tremble and Indina puts a strong hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. She won't touch us. I won't let her hurt you two." Her eyes give me a determined shine and I nod at her.

"Vivica!" I see Shaun come in with his work uniform. I let him envelop me strongly and put a hand on my cheek as he says, "I was so worried. I got the call and I thought that you--"

"I'm fine," I say softly. "We're fine." His eyes go down my womb and smiles. I hug him again and let my embrace relieve his worry.

"What do we have so far?" The booming voice of Shaw echoes in the room when he enters. His daughter on one side and June on his other side.

I watch as the screen comes to life with the image of my mother. My heart is left frozen at the first sight of her. I observe her every facial structure as the room fills up with conversations and plans. Those dark eyes that seem to freeze up your insides. The white pale skin making her look older and ugly. Her white hair similar to Indina's, but she does not look good with it. Those eyes are what scares me the most.

I swallow hard at this as nerves start in my veins and I don't stop them. This is a serious situation. King Peter and the rest of the Narnians continue on arguing on setting peace with my mother. King Peter sees this as the best way, but Prince Caspian sees the best way to just attack before it's too late.

The feeling of Shaun's hand sends warmth all over my cold body, and I look up to see him give me a reassuring smile. I return his smile weakly and listen to their last decision.

"I think it's best if we talk with her first. Do we have a location of her settlement?" June says as she goes over to Josh and he furiously clicks on the keyboard.

Another image of a piece of land comes up and this time Day Wing comes up next to June, another prodigy. "I know that place. It's not that far into the west. We need to set out now if we want to stop her on any decision she takes against us." June nods at him in agreement and they look at Shaw for permission.

He quietly looks up at the screen. His mind racing and Spain's leader for their facility stands by him. Fury shoves his hands in the pockets of his pants and says, "What do you think? Attack or talk? I say talk."

Shaw's dark eyes shine when he nods and June quickly salutes him before going to Peter. "We have to prepare a design on how we want to approach her. By the sound of it, she seems like a person who needs a lot of different gun points at her." Peter nods and they start talking about those designs with the rest of the leaders.

"What about their families?" I don't notice that Kitty was in the room until she speaks up saying this. Then another prodigy comes up. Spain's youngest prodigy, Annabelle, steps up to salute and say, "I think it's better if we keep Indina and Anna here. In fact, I believe Indina should come with us so the conversation with the queen can be easier."

"That's true," Fury says with a hand on his chin. Indina let's go of Anna and firmly says, "I want to go, sir. Please give the permission to do so."

"Ask your leaders," Shaw says firmly. Indina turns to look at Chris and Kara who are listening to June's plans. But they were listening at Shaw and they both raise up a thumbs up at her before looking back at the table's hologram.

"What about my sister?" Anna says this time. Shaw and Fury have their attention on me and a blush starts up when several others have their eyes on my large belly. Shaun's hold tightens to give me strength and I give them a small smile.

Fury is the first to react at this as his mouth drops in a happy surprise. "What?! Look at how this sucker has grown!" He comes closer to me and points at my belly. This makes the little one wake up and do her show-off kicks. I put a hand on my moving belly and chuckle at his words.

Shaw nods and says, "I find it better if either she stays here with us or stay home."

"I think staying home is better for her," Kitty says gently. "There has been attacks before while we negotiate with enemies. We can't risk that." Shaw and Fury both nod in agreement and Shaun steps up this time to say, "Sir. Give me permission to stay with her. If anything happens, we won't have to worry because she's with me." My little one jumps at his voice and I watch as Kitty nods in agreement with Shaun.

Shaw nods at him and says, "Permission granted. If anything happens, you know how to contact us."

"Yes sir. Thank you, sir," Shaun says with a salute and then walks up to me. He puts a hand on my bouncing belly and says, "Don't worry. You're not alone."

"I know I will be safe with you," I whisper back to him.

Indina goes over to us and firmly says, "Please. Stay inside. I don't want to know that either of you stepped out for any reason. Shaun." Her blue eyes burn at him as she says, "If she gets hurt, I will kill you."

Our eyes grow wide at this, but he does not show intimidation. "Don't worry, Dina. I will keep my family safe."

Anna steps up this time and gives me a warm hug. She whispers in my ear, "Please Viv. If you need anything, just call me. Keep that little girl inside safe because I'm warming up for the dances we will have."
I smile at this and let my heart fill up with her sisterly warmth. "Thanks Anna," I softly say in her ear. "She's gonna beat you at dance." We share a small laugh as we pull apart and she goes off to stand by Indina and John.

I watch as Kitty shyly comes up to me and says, "I....stay safe. You know that if you are ever in trouble--"

"To call you. I know," I say with a smile. Shaun gives her a quiet smile and she gives him a nod. Kitty then takes a hesitant step towards me and I roll my eyes at her. "Come here," I say as I open my arms for her to hug me.

She smiles as she enjoys our very first warm embrace since she's left. She softly says, "I know you, Viv. Don't do anything stupid."

I chuckle and say, "Just because of her I will let my recklessness go...."

Kitty pulls apart from my hug and gives me a firm nod. "Okay then, mama bear." She looks at Shaun and softly says, "Take care of her."

"Always," he gently responds back to her.

"Then it's settled," Shaw says with his hands behind his back. "Let's show this woman that no one should mess with this facility. We are stronger together and we will not rest until all threats have disappeared." Everyone nods with him and that determination I once had when I fought, comes back as I lift up my chin.

I won't let anyone mess with my little one.

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