Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up the next morning with a smile. The scent of Shaun's perfume is all over my pillow and I'm reminded that I'm with him. My belly moves in a small ticking-like manner along with a few punches. She's woken up with a hiccup.

It's Hazel now. Although, I feel like the name sounds better once she's in my arms.

But as I stretch my arms and legs, an empty spot beside me makes my heart drop. I sit up slowly and furrow my brows at the lonely room. Then the smell of pancakes slowly enters the room and I smile knowing that Shaun has waken up before me to make breakfast for us. I quickly get up, wash my teeth, wash my face, and use the restroom. As I enter back in the room, Shaun walks in as well from the other door with a long tray.

"Hey! You're supposed to be in bed!" The little girl jumps at the sound of his voice and remembers that we're at his place today.

I chuckle and get back in his warm sheets. "I am now!" Shaun smiles widely and gently places the tray of two plates filled with pancakes and scrambled eggs. My stomach growls loudly and she leaps. Shaun hears another loud growl coming from my stomach and his eyes grow wide. "Uh oh. Someone's hungry. We better feed you soon."

I place a kiss on his lips as he slips in the covers with me now. He lays a hand on my belly and she greets him with a hiccup, making my belly move in a large spasm from the outside. "Good morning princess," Shaun says to her and once again, she gives him a happy twirl.

"Alright," I say. "Let's leave the conversations for later and let's get to eating." Shaun raises his hands in surrender and I shake my head at his tease. I take Shaun's hand and pray with him before we dig in our plates. I have to say, I'm getting the hang of this whole religion stuff with Shaun.

As I'm halfway through my plate, I say, "This is delicious, Shaun. How are you so good at cooking? I feel like you're cheating." I give him a smirk as I pop a raisin in my mouth.

Shaun raises his eyebrows playfully and says, "Cheating? Me?! Never!" He throws a raisin at my chest and it falls down my grey shirt.

"Hey!" I get a few nuts from my tray and throw it at his face. He tries to block it and narrows his eyes at me. "Oh. You called for it."

Luckily, our plates are empty except for the dry things like nuts or raisins that stay in small bowls. He grabs a handful of raisins and throws it at my face. I open my mouth in surprise as they fall down my head and into my shirt or laps. I grab my small bowl of nuts and throw it all in his face.

"Ouch! Oh no you didn't!"

He grabs my wrist and takes the bowl from my hands. I laugh loudly as I fall back on his pillows and he gently holds me down. He puts quick kisses all over my face and neck as I laugh. He remembers my ticklish spot and runs a light hand underneath my knee. At this point, my stomach hurts from all the laughter from his playful gestures, and I can still feel our little girl jump and bounce along with us.

Finally, I make him stop as I find a way to sit on him and he lets out a small breath. I let my mouth fall in surprise as he playfully says, "Awh man. You're heavy."

"Hey now!" I say as I give him a slap on the arm.

He laughs and we take a breath from all the laughter and attacks we gave each other. The only one still active around here is the little girl giving me strong kicks at every part of my stomach. Shaun's eyes land on the large belly in front of him. He puts both of his hands on my womb and I smile at the warm sensation it always gives me. I put my hands on top of his and guide them to where she is kicking and punching. He warmly smiles at the various movements he feels and he lovingly rubs his hand in circles all over my womb.

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