Chapter Twenty Eight

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My hand goes up my mouth as I gasp. The clipboard hits him hard and the hooded man pushes him inside without letting him think. He closes the door with his foot and starts choking him against the door. He takes out a knife from his belt and Shaun quickly puts a hand on his head in between gasps. His hands turns bright blue and the hooded man turns into solid ice. Shaun strongly pushes him back and the iced man breaks in a million pieces.

My muscles have been left frozen and tensed. My hands have protectively covered my belly at this sight and my body trembles. Shaun quickly goes up to me with a pale face. His eyes fire and muscles on alert. "Vivica. Lock yourself in your room." As he says this, he takes to my room and my legs numbly move along with him.

My breathe comes out short as he says, "You need to keep this locked. Don't let anyone in unless it's me. Don't open anything. If.....if something goes wrong....just...." His eyes look around my room and closes my window. His hands moving with confidence and frantically as he freezes the locks so no one comes in.

"Hide.....No one should come in." Just as he finishes this, a bang comes from the kitchen and my body trembles with fear. Shaun looks back at me and gives me a quick kiss. His eyes burn through me as he says, "I will be back. I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you."

I watch as he leaves and shuts my door. In a matter of seconds, I see how his ice covers all over the door knob. I panic and I struggle to breathe. I take a seat on my bed and jump at the thuds and hits. The grunts and breaking happening outside.

"God," I say with a shaky voice. "If you're there, and you exist....please get us out of this...." I put a trembling hand on my stomach and jump at the strong thud on my door. I hear a swooshing sound and I recognize it as a pulled out dagger. He's trying to kill Shaun so they can get to me.

I hear another set of footsteps break in the apartment. There's more of them.

I hear how they try to turn the knob of my door and struggle to open. They stay still until a hard thump makes me jump. I can hear how they go back and then run up the door to kick it open. My soldier instincts make me go up to the door and look for a solution. My mind races as I look at my surroundings.

Why look at my surroundings when I have my abilities?

I listen as he goes further back and starts to run. I quickly stomp my foot on the ground, and I watch as white ice covers my floor and goes all the way out the hallway. I can hear how he falls and hits his head hard. No more thumps against my door.

A small sizzling sound brings my attention to my window. I watch as the locks slowly start to turn red. I gasp as the ice starts to melt and I quickly go up to the window. I think fast and take out my hands to command the ice within me to show. My hands slowly start to turn bright blue. Panic and pregnancy has made this process slower than ever as I frantically watch my hands and then at the red window locks.

At last, I can feel how the ice from my veins come out and act upon the red locks. I can feel it's heat under my ice and wince at it's burn. I push harder yet, whomever is on the other side is stronger. Fire is always stronger than ice....

I wince and let my hands fall to my sides at the burning pain. It has frozen the locks but it's only a matter of time for them to step in.

I turn around and look for a place to hide. My closet is too small for me now and my heart paces. I have an urge to cry and scream as my mind runs out of options for me to escape the heat. With a panting breathe I look for something to kill with.

The window bursts open and I cover my face from the shattering glass. I put down my hands slowly and see a smiling man standing in front of me. He carries an imprint on his arm with the design of a frozen lion. My feet stay glued on the ground and my body trembles as he comes closer to me. I put a trembling hand behind my back and quickly command my veins to bring out ice from that hand.

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