Chapter Five

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I wake up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. After using the restroom for five times now, I raise up my shirt and look at my stomach. It's still flat on the top but there's a slight roundness on the lower part of my abdomen.

"Oh wow," I whisper to myself as I observe the slight roundness. I still can't believe there's someone growing inside of me.

A small knock on my door makes me look away from my mirror and see Anna walking in. "Hey, kiddo. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm actually not that nauseous which is a win," I playfully say. "But I am still terribly tired and I have a headache."

"Well. Maybe a small breakfast will help. You hungry today?"

"A little," I say. "I'll be right there. I'm just going to change."

"Okay," Anna says and shuts the door. I look for something easy to wear. My skinny jeans have been difficult to wear lately. So I put on sweats and a loose shirt. Today Shaun and I will go to the doctor to see our baby.

I step in the kitchen and smile at the clear air. No smells that will trigger my nausea today.

"Hey, girly," Indina says without looking away from her computer. "What are you up to? Have you eaten?"

"Mm. I was just going to get my trusty crackers and cheese. But today...." I take a hold of the refrigerator handle and my eyes land on the ketchup. My mouth starts to water and I take it out. "Today we will add a little something to my masterpiece...."

Anna has entered the kitchen now and they both watch me with disgust as I put ketchup on my cheese and crackers. I take a bite and moan with satisfaction. "Oh my god. This is soooo good." I continue enjoying my crackers as Anna and Indina exchange disgusted looks.

"The wonders of pregnancy," Anna softly says.

"This is a celebration!" I say to my sisters while pointing at my red crackers. "Shaun and I will be going to see our baby for the first time together."

"What?! No way!" Anna says with an excited jump. "Awh. I wanna be there!"

"No. You won't," Indina says to Anna with seriousness. "It's their baby. Their moment."

Anna clicks her tongue in disappointment and sighs in defeat. "But I'm going to spoil that child more than anyone! You here me?!" She points at Indina and I.

I laugh at her comment while Indina rolls her eyes. "I just hope the child isn't as crazy as you are."

"Nah. It'll get that from the mother," Anna says to me with shining eyes. I smile at her and suddenly have another thought in mind. I wonder what it'll look like. They say that the first ones look more similar to the mother. I wonder if it'll have Shaun's gentle character or my quiet reckless personality?

I look down at my phone and start eating my crackers quicker at Shaun's text. He's here.

"Woah there," Indina says as she gets an apple from the kitchen counter. "Don't forget to munch first."

"Shaun's outside," I say in between bites. "I gotta go."

"Can you take a picture?" Anna says from the couch.

"Anna!" Anna chuckles when Indina angrily glares at her and then softens her expression at me. "Don't be out so late, okay?"

"Okay," I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Love you both!" It took me so long to say this to them before.

"Love you, too!" Anna shouts from the couch. "If you can take pics then do it!" I chuckle at this as I close the door behind me.

When I enter his car, I already know the questions Shaun has asked me throughout the week ever since I've told him.

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