Chapter Thirty Seven

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I am extremely exhausted. I think my body can not tolerate any more pain, but I still found myself waking up every five minutes during the night.

Shaun was up half of the night taking care of her. He was filling up her birth certificate while she slept and he would look up at me with a smile whenever I'd wake up.

"Is she okay?" I would whisper. He would nod and say, "Yes, sweetheart. She's okay. Why don't you fall back asleep and I'll let you know when she's crying?"

"Are you sure?"

Shaun nodded at me with a tender smile. "I'm sure. Don't worry. Take a rest, love. You deserve it." I'd let my eyes slowly close with a smile at these words every time.

I woke up with a start at the smallest whimper I heard among my dreams. I looked over by my side to see Shaun looking down at her. He looked up at me and said, "Oh. I think she's hungry again."

I rubbed my eyes and opened my arms at him so he can put her in my arms. He gently took her small body, and put her in my arms with a smile. I did as Aaron taught me before and playfully smiled down at Hazel. "Geez. You're just like your father...."

Shaun laughed loudly at this and Hazel opened her eyes at the sound. She moved her little hand, and I took it with my finger so she could wrap her tiny fingers around it. I smiled tenderly down at her as she looked up at me and sucked on my breast.

"By the way," Shaun said as he took a small yellow paper from a plastic bag. "You have to sign this, love." I looked over at the paper and my heart jumped with joy at the sight of Shaun's handwriting of her name.

Hazel Ashmore White.

My smile slowly turned into a smirk as I said to him, "You missed Drake for her last name..."

Shaun rolled his eyes at me and I laughed at his annoyance for my tease. "It looks like you won't let go of my fake name." Shaun's eyes then shined at something on the paper and said, "Can you believe that she was born only five hours ago?!"

"What time is it?" I said with furrowed brow.

"It's two in the morning," Shaun said looking out the dark window.

"Seriously? She was born on...."

"February fourth. The day you graduated from college." I smiled at the memory of what I was doing before I arrived to the hospital. Shaun put a soft kiss on my lips and then tenderly kissed Hazel's head.

I took several naps of five minutes after I finished breastfeeding, and quietly watched her sleep at one point that I woke up. Shaun finally found some sleep after turning in her birth certificate to the nurses' counter and quietly snored on the couch.

I look up as Nurse Jordan stepped in with a small smile. His dark eyes found me among the dimness of my room and quietly said, "Hello. Do you need anything?"

I shook my head at him and smiled. "No thank you, Jordan."

He quietly stepped in and saw my baby on the small bed on my side. I was able to reach over and take her hand tenderly. He smiled down at her and then said, "If you want...I can take her to the baby lounge so you can take a few hours of sleep."

My eyes grew wide at this and I quickly shook my head. "No thank you. I don't want you to take her away from me again. I already let the blood lady check her, and get a sample of her blood which made her cry a lot. She needs me."

Jordan did a soft chuckle and lift up his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry. I'm supposed to suggest this to all mothers."

I did a relieved chuckle and nodded. "I'm sorry. I just...."

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