Chapter Twenty Seven

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We silently go to my place and Shaun holds my hand protectively. I have to admit. I'm a little nervous. We have different identities in the facility with numbers, but enemy facilities have advanced in technology. There have been cases where they reach an agent's home and attack. Our first case like this was with Nate. Doctor Aaron's little brother. He got shot in the head from an agent in one of the enemy facility's at the time and lost his memory. He's slowly getting it back, but it really affected his loved ones around him.

But I hang on Shaun's firm hand. I try to tell myself that I'm safe with him. My heart cries to run away and hide, but I concentrate on her small kicks instead of fear.

As we enter my place, Shaun goes to turn on the heat and I slowly go to the sofa to quietly sit. Letting all the things that just happened these last few hours sink in.

Shaun comes back from the hallway and studies me. He gives me a soft smile and crouches in front of me. He takes my hands and kisses my fingers lightly. I give him a hint of a smile as he says, "How are you feeling, my love?"

I shrug and say, "I don't know how to feel. I'm here, but we all know Nate's story." He gives me a quiet nod. "What if....she knows where I am?"

"You're going to okay," he says as he gives my hand another kiss. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

I bite my bottom lip with worry and look out the window. I hear him stand up and lean over to give my forehead a warm kiss. "Why don't we do something to forget about it? I is Christmas Eve. A lady as hyped as you are about Christmas shouldn't be in sorrow."

I smile up at him and let my heart recover from it's unsettling feeling. A small rumble starts up in my belly and I say, "Okay. Let's do something to eat then."

"Hm. Are you really hunger?" Shaun says as he crouches down in front of me again and talks to my belly. She gives him a series of kicks and jabs. "Because I have something in mind."

A playful shine starts in my eyes as I say, "What did you have in mind?"

"You think Hazel would be down for some Christmas cookies?"

My mouth waters at the thought and I nod happily. "Let's do it! But we can't go out to buy any. We have to be stuck in here."

"We'll make them!" Shaun says with a wide smile. I get up with excitement and say, "Then let's start! I'll get all the material for baking and you search up the recipe."

"Yes ma'am," Shaun says as he gives me a playful salute.

I crank up Christmas music while we prepare the cookies. I have to say that my hunger only got worse as we tried our best for our cookies to match the ones in the picture, but I ignored those painful pangs as Shaun put playful hands around my belly from behind, and sang in my neck to tickle me. We even danced a little. I didn't really dance all too well like I used from the heaviness of my womb, but I did my small wiggles with him. Even the little one seemed to have dance with us.

At last, the cookies were finished and the smell only made my stomach growl loudly. My mouth watered and I couldn't resist it so I ate one. I burnt my tongue but it calmed down my angry stomach. Shaun let his mouth fall and said, "That's not fair! I thought we agreed to wait for the movie."

"I'm sorry," I said in between bites and chuckles. "I'm really hungry. Your child is making me break the rules."

"My child or her mom?" he said as he playfully walked up to me, and kissed my cheeks and neck.

"Both," I responded back through giggles.

By the time we sat down, the sugar from that one cookie woke her up and made my stomach rumble to the point that I was ready to swallow the plate of cookies whole. I watched as Shaun put on the Grinch for us, and sat by my side as he moved the small table we found in front of us. I happily took a cookie and my cup of warm milk to start satisfying my hunger. I smiled at Shaun's warmth as he put a strong arm around my shoulders.

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