Chapter Thirty Three

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I await for my score on the table. The school gave me a day and time to look up the results, and I think I have been sitting behind the computer for about an hour.

I can hear Shaun come out of his room and say, "Heating Pad time!"

"Mhm," I say as I nervously tap my fingers on the table. I can hear Shaun come over by my side and look at the computer. "Baby. It's not going to show up for another ten minutes."

"I can't help it," I say as I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans. "This defines my whole career." My muscles relax when I feel a warm heat starting at the bottom of my back and I let out a sigh. Shaun kisses my shoulder and whispers, "How about we do something else so you can get distracted."

I turn my head so I can give him a kiss. "What would that be?"


I smile at the playful shine in his eyes and I give him a nod. I watch as he opens the fridge and I quickly say, "Hey! You know what? Is there still some ice cream?!"

Shaun takes out a bowl of grapes and takes out the ice cream tub that makes my heart jump with joy. He gives me a wink and says, "Healthy food. Junk food. It's gonna even it out." I laugh at this and pop a grape in my mouth.

I suddenly feel my phone vibrate by my side, and look to see Kitty sending me a message saying to call her once I get the results. I text her back that I will do so, but Shaun gasps by my side. I look at him and see his eyes wide looking at the computer. I follow his gaze and see a little loading sign on the website. I also gasp and we both await for it's results eagerly.

Shaun puts a loving hand on my shoulder and says, "No matter what happens, I--"

"Shaun!" I interrupt him at the four numbers that have appeared on my screen. Shaun looks at my computer and his mouth drops.

"It's a 2000," I say. "That's good, right?!"

Shaun looks at me with wide eyes and his smile turns wider. "Yes! That'a perfect score!"

I cover my mouth with awe and stay in shock. Shaun laughs loudly and says, "Vivica! You've passed! You've officially graduated!"

I let out a small yell and this wakes up my little one as well. It's funny that she seems to know why we're celebrating as she jumps inside of me.

Shaun gives me a tight hug as he gives me a semi-twirl. "This is amazing! You did it! You did it! I never doubted you for a second, Viv! I knew it!"

I wipe a few tears and let out a happy laugh. "Oh my god. I can't believe it." I stay silent and let my smile grow wide at Shaun as I say, "God is good."

Shaun gives my forehead a tender kiss and says, "All the time..."

A small vibration on the table reminds me of Kitty. "Oh! I have to let her know! But first..." I give Shaun a smirk as I dial her number. "Let's make her suffer."

"Oh man. How did I get to be so lucky?" He gives me a long kiss and I pull away when I hear Kitty's voice.

"Kitty," I say in my somber voice. "I got my results."

Kitty does a small sigh and I know she's fallen for my prank. "What score did you get?"

I clear my throat to make it sound like I'm fighting back tears. "100."

She does another sigh and I let a giggle escape my lips. She then stays silent as my giggle turns into a chuckle. I know she must be rolling her eyes at me from the other end as she says, "Really? Now, Vivica? What did you get?!"

"A perfect score, Einstein!"

"What!? Oh my goodness! I knew it! I knew it, IceFreak!"

I sit on the couch with a smirk and say, "Ha. Hazel and I totally aced that test. You know what, sweetheart?" I say to my belly now. "Why don't we ask your fairly god mother to bring in something to celebrate with?!"

I smile when I hear Kitty on the other end yell, "Let's gooo! What does my fairly god daughter want?"

"Hey Shaun!" I say. I can hear Kitty say, "I said the daughter not the father." But I ignore her with a chuckle and say, "What are you down eating? Nothing that gives me heartburn though."

"Uhhhh....Fruit salad with vanilla ice cream?"

"Fruit salad with vanilla ice cream," I say to Kitty.

"Fine," Kitty says. "I'll be there in a few minutes!"

She was not lying. She must've arrived in five minutes as she entered the apartment with a large container of fruit and vanilla ice cream on the top.

"I actually....cannot believe this worked!" Kitty says as she sits on the couch with me. Shaun sits on the couch across from us and eats the tub of chocolate ice cream from our fridge instead.

"Well," I say as I take small bites of the fruit salad. "This is not only my accomplishment. It's all of ours. Mine. Hazel. Shaun. And Kitty. We all did this together." I give Kitty's hand a soft squeeze and smile sweetly at Shaun. He gives me a wink and Kitty squeezes back my hand.

We quietly eat the fruit until Kitty says, "Hey. What did Aaron say on your last visit?"

"She saw my dilation."

"Your what?"

"My dilation. How much my hips have expanded to let her body out."

"Ouch," Kitty says.

Shaun chuckles and playfully says, "Her hips don't lie." I give him a teasing gesture and Kitty laughs along with us.

"Hey. I heard about that new tech you guys discovered in the facility." Kitty gives me a proud nod and I know that this is probably something she made from what she learned at her time in NASA.

A small gasp brings our attention to Shaun who has his eyes wide in surprise. We both furrow our brows at him with confusion and I say, "What's wrong?"

A small blush of embarrassment runs through his light skin as he shyly says, "Um....I think...I think you've had an accident...."

"An accident?!" Kitty says this time. She stands up to look at me from affront now and a small blush starts up at my cheeks.

Kitty's eyes grow wide and says, "Oh shoot! He's right! I think you've peed yourself!"

"What? No!" I get up from the couch and look at my jeans. Surely enough, I see that I've wet myself. Yet, a small movement inside of me shoots up a strong pain in my stomach and I hold my belly. I let out a gasp and say in realization, "I think my water broke...."

"Wait! What?!" they both say at the same time. Kitty chuckles with disbelief. "Yeah right...."

I wince at another strong pain up my stomach and hold my belly. Shaun quickly gets up and takes a hold of my arm. "Baby. Are you alright?" Another shot of pain runs up my belly and I do a cry of pain. "No! I think she's coming soon.."

Shaun and Kitty both exchange shocked looks before Shaun gently starts to guide me towards the door and he firmly says to Kitty, "Inside, there should be a small baby bag. Get it and follow us to the hospital. Make sure to call her sisters."

"On it," Kitty says as I hear her steps disappear in the room. I hold my belly and take a deep breathe. It's weird that I feel more nerves than pain now.

"Everything's going to be okay, sweetheart. I promise. We'll get there in no time." I can tell that behind that firmness there's also nerves.

Yet, as I get in the car, I take a breathe of bravery like I used to do before every mission.

Get it together.... I might just meet my baby girl today.

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