Chapter 20

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(I just made a new story so go check it out its Lui Shirosagi (Lui X Reader) and yes it's a Beyblade kind of book but trust me it's gonna get better but right now i have one chapter on it but go read it please and see if you like it, ok Thats all bye❤️💖)

Venti pov
It's been 5 days since I last seen Becky and I've been just waiting on a mountain top waiting if I can smell her scent or even feel her power around me but these days I've gotten nothing.

I started to lose hope that Becky will return to me but now I just don't know what to do but wait which is a dumb plan but I have no other option.

I heard footsteps behind me as I turned around to see Diluc standing there "Follow me" Diluc said as he started to walk again but in a different direction.

I got up and started to follow him but as we walked more, the grass looks dead which I have never come this way but I don't get why Diluc would bring me here.

"Do you not feel it?" Diluc asked as he stopped walking "Feel what?" I asked not knowing what he meant by that but he raised up his hand and moving it forward, I saw that it was just a barrier what he just touched.

"That" Diluc said as he stopped touching the barrier in front of us, how come I never knew about this? "These past day I've been searching as to how Becky disappears and has no trace but then I came across this barrier and I know she must be inside it." Diluc said as he looked at me.

"But how are you so sure?" I asked "Because a lot of people went inside the barrier with some presents as I was hiding on top of the tree and I heard them say goddess" Diluc said as my eyes opened wider.

"Lets go come on" I said being impatient but Diluc stopped me "You can't, if you go through it without any permission then you'll burn to death" Diluc said but how are we gonna get Becky if we can't even go through.

"Then what do we do?" I asked "We have to make a plan and fast because I hears that they are preparing a ceremony 12 days from now" Diluc said "CEREMONY!" I said as I couldn't hold back my anger.

Someone steals away my goddess and now is preparing a ceremony! I have to calm down but I couldn't knowing Becky might marry someone in 12 days.

"Calm down I already gathered everyone together at the winery lets go" Diluc said pushing me to walk with him so I wouldn't run to the barrier again which hes too smart to even know what I would do.

We've been walking in silence which I couldn't stop thinking about Becky marrying someone else, I always thought she would be with me but I don't know if she will anymore.

"Can you stop with your dumb thoughts Venti, Becky won't marry anyone because were gonna make up a plan to save her" Diluc said as he kept looking straight on the road.

I just sigh but we made it to the winery as I saw everyone there even Jean and Lisa, which I hope Lisa won't give me a pep talk about taking good care of Becky, I don't wanna feel more down than I already am.

They all looked at us but at me more as there eyes became sad and worried, I didn't need there pity right now but I need Becky to come in my arms and hold her tight enough to never let her go but I messed that up already.

Diluc started talking and everyone never knew about the barrier, even jean never knew until now "Ok lets make a plan but how do we get rid of the barrier?" Jean asked as she thought to herself.

"Those kinds of barriers can't be broken but we can get access if someone is friends with one of the guards" Lisa said which of course she would know about barriers, she stays in the library everyday.

"Why don't we just disguise ourselves as the guards and open the barrier as one of take down the guards" Aether said as he looked at Diluc "No, there are 4 guards at the entrance of the barrier, were gonna need two people but the question is how do we open the barrier?" Diluc asked as no one knew the answer to it.

"They must have some sort of weapon to make a barrier that strong to open but those kinds of barriers depend on how many people come in" Lisa said "I counted more than a hundred people come in when they were gonna meet Becky" Diluc said "It can change because the owner of the barrier has the power to change how many people can come inside" Lisa said again as she looked at everyone.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought" Jean said as she was still thinking "Its beginning to be late, lets meet back here tomorrow so we can go check out the barrier" Jean said as everyone nodded as they left the winery.

I just sat down on a log as I could feel someone watch me but I didn't see no one there, im just imagining it like always.

I stood up and headed towards Mondstat but again I heard and felt like someone was there, I turned around and decided to find out what or who it was, as I came closer the thing ran away.

I just stepped back not knowing what that was, it was super fast and small but I don't know what that was exactly.

I just shook my head as I went inside Mondstat and saw all the people happy with there family and some kids run around which I know Becky would want to play with them right now.

I sighed as I went to the house me and Becky have, I just laid down as I smelled Beckys normal scent on the sheets.

I shouldn't give up, Becky is probably waiting for me to rescue her so I shouldn't give up just yet, I need to find a way to bring her back to me but I hope shes alright.

I miss you

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