Chapter 30

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Becky pov
It's just been a few hours since me and Venti came back from the woods but I just told Venti that I don't want any research on me or for Keqing to get close to me.

Venti sighed and nodded which he wanted to know if I was pregnant or not but I really hope not and especially with the ceremony coming up.

I've been sitting on a desk in Jean's room which Venti and the others are talking outside the room but I told Bright to tell me everything that they were saying.

They kept on talking about me being pregnant and if I was then something bad could happen but of course no goddess has ever been pregnant which why am I suppose to be the first one but no one really knows but Bright said changes are happening inside of me.

Bright said it could be two different changes which the first one is me being pregnant or the second one which my body is starting to get used to my powers.

Which I think I'm not even pregnant since I can use my powers easily which of course Bright had to ruin my happiness by saying that the baby could be early and that's why I can still use my powers.

This whole baby talk is really giving me a big headache and really moody, that's so not a good sign but I sighed as the group came inside.

Well I mean like I've been drawing while listening to Bright, they looked at me worried and concerned so I looked at them and it was a big minute of awkwardness.

"Are you ok?" Paimon asked and I nodded "Are you sure?" Diluc asked as he studied me "Is she ok Brighr?" Jean asked and Bright looked at me which now me and Bright started to get annoyed.

"Yes, she's ok and stop making this awkward, your making her feel uncomfortable" Venti said as he came beside me and everyone said sorry to me but I understand that they care about me since now were all family here.

Ughh talking about family, I haven't seen mine in awhile but I wouldn't care right now since I only have my father but I hope he's doing good.

"Earth to Becky!!" Everyone yelled as I got startled and moved my head "Sorry what?" I asked "We need to go and let you try out the new ceremony outfits" Barabara said as she came towards me and grabbed my hand.

Bright came in front of her and growled which she stopped since she doesn't growl at Barabara but Bright came towards me and again sniffed my stomach.

Bright whimpered as she licked Barabaras hand "Is she pregnant?" Jean asked as she came towards us, I could tell Venti was holding his breathe until he knew the answers.

"I can't tell yet" Bright said which I had enough of this ridiculous conversation so I walked out and Bright ran behind me as she came inside me.

"Wait Becky!" Venti said as I opened the main doors and someone was gonna run into me which I dodged just in time.

"I am so sorry" The lady said as I smiled and said it's ok but Bright didn't look at it as a ok but instead she growled in my thoughts.

"She wanted to bump into you on purpose" Bright said which I rolled my eyes and I could tell everyone saw what I just did but I ignored them.

I started getting really hungry which Venti came beside me "Let's go grab a bite to eat and then we can talk" Venti said as he took my hand and pulled me towards the food market.

"Is this a way to see if I am pregnant?" I asked "No of course, you should never think about that princess" Venti said as I started eating but he kept on looking at my stomach when I tried to ask a question.

A big smile came across his face which hes probably thinking about something he would do which he only smiles like that whenever hes gonna do something weird or crazy or just straight out annoying.

"Hello?" I asked but hes still looking at my stomach "Venti!!" I yelled and he finally looked at me "I umm sorry I was just thinking about something" Venti said as he got up and took my hand.

"About what?" I asked and he smiled "What gender could the baby be" Venti said as he put his arm around my waist.

"Oh" I said well I mean yeah I would like to know what gender it is if I am pregnant but just thinking about being pregnant just scares me.

My own mother had a fever right after I was born and my dad blames me about it but he still loves me even though he thinks its my fault.

Venti knew how I felt so he stopped walking and looked at me "What's wrong?" Venti asked "Oh nothing" I said as I started walking.

Venti grabbed my hand and dragged me to our house and he closed the door as he sat me down.

"What's wrong?" Venti asked and I just looked at him and told him about my mother being sick after I was born and died.

Venti just cuddled me and he sighed "I'm sorry I've just been talking about if you are pregnant and I didn't even ask what was bothering you" Venti said as he kissed my cheek.

Venti and I started to go to Jean's office and I had to go with Barabara as Venti had to go with Diluc and another man for his clothes for the ceremony.

2 hours later

That was the longest 2 hours of my whole life but I couldn't believe that Barabara would be so obsessed with just a white dress.

I was gonna open the door when I felt Venti's arm around my waist and he kissed my cheek.

"How did it go?" Venti asked but I opened the door and sighed hard "Stressful and annoying" I said as I layed down on the bed.

Venti layed down beside me and I put my head on his chest "Just 3 more days now" Venti said and I just nodded.

Venti pressed his lips against mine as he hugged me "Do you feel ok with the ceremony?" Venti asked "A little since I'm still a bit nervous and anxious about it" I said as Venti put his hand on my stomach.

"Do you want to be pregnant?" Venti asked and I looked at him "I kinda do but I kinda don't, I'm just scared what could happen to me and it's too early for me to get pregnant so fast" I said as Venti pulled me towards him more.

"You have nothing to be scared of since you'll be safe and ill make sure nothing happens to you" Venti said and he's right but the real reason is am i gonna be a good mother for our kid.

"I know but I'm just scared if I'm even gonna be a good mom" I said "I want you to be pregnant now" Venti said as i looked at him.

"At first i didn't want you to be pregnant but now I think it could bring joy to us" Venti said again as he looked at me in the eyes.

"We don't know if you are but just if you are pregnant then ill make sure both of you are safe" Venti said as i stayed quiet and thought about what he said.

Hes probably right and it could bring happiness to us "If I am then I'm gonna try to be a good mother to her or him" I said as Venti kissed me and that made me calm since now we talked about it.

I can calm down since Venti made me realize that I shouldn't be scared but happy if I really am pregnant but now I know my answer to everything.

I wish I really am pregnant.

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