Loving this moment with you

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Venti pov
We realized that this is a trap, if we even try to move closer to the edge then the whole cave will collapse on top of us.

I held Becky close to me as I can tell she was scared as Bright looked everywhere but this was just a trick to bring us to the cave.

Jean isn't here anymore which it disappeared once the lights went off again, what's going on? Who's even doing this?

"Guys over there!" Noelle said as we all looked up and saw an entrance at the top of the cave which it's way too far up.

If I called Dvalin for help, he couldn't help us since were too far from the entrance now.

Oh come on Venti think! Just think of a plan to get Becky and the others to safety.

I can't think of anything but that entrance, the only question is how in the world will we get up there?

Before I could even speak, Bright did something that I realized that we weren't on the floor anymore but in the air floating.

"Looks like you finally decided to do something, took you long enough!" Paimon said which I just realized that Paimon came with us.

I still held Becky close to me, I will never let go until I know were safe but where did Jean go?

"Guys what about Jean!?" Noelle said "That wasn't Jean but a puppet" Diluc said as we got to the entrance and realized that we got outside.

This whole cave was just a trick or a-

"Guys watch out!!" Paimon screamed as a big explosion came from the entrance behind us and rocks started to fall from the mountain.

"Dvalin!" I said as we all jumped into the air and Dvalin catched all of us, I looked back down and saw the whole cave being covered with rocks.

That was a close one.

I sighed softly as relief came out of me, I could feel Becky grabbing my hands and putting it on her stomach.

I put my forehead on hers as we both calmed down "Are you ok?" I asked "Yeah, but are you?" Becky asked and I nodded.

"We should head back to Mondstat" I said and Dvalin heard me as we headed towards Mondstat.

Mondstat wasn't that far but where is Jean? She disappeared right when she started to act weird which I'm wondering why she was even acting like that in the first place.

"Hey calm down" Becky said as she grabbed my hand which I started playing with her ring on her wedding finger.

It just brings me happiness each time I see that ring on her finger, knowing that she's all mine and will always be mine.

"I know I'm sorry, I'm just wondering where Jean is right now" I said as I met her eye, her eyes shining from the sun which always gets to me and makes me wanna kiss her all day.

                               Skipping to Mondstat

As we got to Mondstat, I instantly took Becky's hand since these people like to crowd us sometimes whenever something happens but I can tell that they'll crowd us once they see Becky's small stomach right now.

We entered the gates as the guards bowed down to us which Becky started to get annoyed but I always tell her to calm down which she doesn't like royalty at all.

I was exhausted as I yawned which Becky closed my mouth "What?" I asked "There was a fly about to go in your mouth" Becky said "A... A fly! Really where!?" I said as I started to search for it.

I looked back at Becky which she was giggling that I get scared if a fly even comes near my mouth because last time that happened, it didn't go so well hehehehe😅.

We all decided to meet back at the office which guards and even Amber is searching for her which I've forgotten who Amber but now i remembered.

I decided to explore with Becky a bit since we have to leave soon, it's about to be night time already.

We started walking as i looked around but before i could say a word, Becky left my grip as she started to squeal a bit.

I ran towards her realizing what she's holding, it's a baby outfit which now i understood why Becky squealed.

Becky sure does love babies and little kids, she's gonna be a great mom for our two babies.

"When will we be getting baby clothes and everything?" Becky asked "Whenever you want to" I said as she started to get excited.

I can tell that were gonna stay here for hours.

2 hours later😞 10:03 p.m.

I don't think I can handle it anymore, I might drop the bags but each time I try to sit down, Becky brings me a bag to hold each time.

At least Becky is having a good time trying to find clothes and everything to decorate the baby room.

I barely noticed that the full moon is out right now, that gave me a great idea.

"Venti look!" Becky said as she pulled my arm but I stopped her "What's wrong?" Becky asked but I just smiled.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a dark alley, "Venti where are we?" Becky asked "Just close your eyes" I said as she closed her eyes and I picked her up.

I jumped up high as I used my anemo powers to fly for a bit which I could of done this in the cave but I can't fly forever, only for a little.

I finally got to my destination as I put Becky down "You can open your eyes now" I whispered into her ear.

She gasped as we were on top of a tower with the full moon in front of us.

I started to look at Becky instead only to see her reaction to the full moon in front of us

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I started to look at Becky instead only to see her reaction to the full moon in front of us.

She looked at me which I just smiled "Are you ok?" Becky asked "Yeah, I just love to see your beautiful face" I said which made Becky blush which that made me smile at her cuteness.

"You don't always need to be sweet to me you know" Becky said which I turned her head towards me "I do need to because I love being with you" I said as I went in for a kiss.

I am just loving this moment with you.

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