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Becky pov
It's been 2 weeks since we escaped from the cave and Venti has been going down to Mondstat and trying to figure out a plan to search for Jean.

The acting master for Mondstat is Lisa for now but where could Jean go? And why would she leave Mondstat when she barely even leaves her office.

I've been trying to calm down a bit because Bright said that just thinking about Jean or stressing over it then it can be harmful for the babies which I just have to take deep breathes.

It's really hard for some reason but I try to make it work, Barabara and Noelle would keep me company up here when Venti leaves.

The girls have been really nice and started to help me decorating the baby room well the babies room which we have a lot to do.

Bright said that she could just make the baby room really quick but I don't want to make my babies room with magic.

I want to do it by hand with Venti but since Venti can't do it then I'll just make it with the girls and I don't even know the genders yet but ill find out soon.

"Hey you ok?" Barabara asked "Oh sorry yeah" I said which I realized that I was spacing out when Barabara was talking to me.

"Are you sure? You've been doing that a lot" Noelle said "Yeah, I'm sorry I'm just thinking about something" I said which Noelle looked at me closely.

"About Jean?" Barabara asked "A little yeah but I'm just thinking about if I should wait for Venti to come home so we can decorate the babies room instead" I said "I can go find him if you want" Noelle said as she stood up.

"No, its ok he's probably busy anyway" I said which he's been too busy since he showed me the view of the moon 2 weeks ago.

I missed the time we spend the entire time together and cuddling but i guess he's too busy helping the others trying to find Jean which I know i sound selfish but i cant lie and say i don't want to see him.

I sighed as i got up and headed towards the kitchen "We will be going and helping out Lisa since she's stressed with all the piles of paper" Barabara said whcih i turned around and looked at them "Oh ok, see you guys later" I said as they headed out the door.

Bright came out as she sensed that i was feeling sad which I knew that Venti could feel it too.

Venti won't come anyway so what's the point of even having a bond with him.

What am I even saying? These must be hormones or something since I never say that about him or our bond.

"Calm down" Bright said which I gave her my death glare and she backed up "I'm sorry I just feel i don't even know right now" I said which I have no idea how I really feel right now.

"It's ok but you have to understand that Venti is trying his hardest to find Jean so you and him can be calm in each others arms again" Bright said which she's right and I shouldn't be so selfish.

I decided to just make something to eat while Venti's gone maybe that's what I need to distract myself since I am hungry right now.

6 hours later

It's already dark and it's 10:53 p.m. Bright said that he would be coming soon and it's already been soon and now it's late.

I decided to grab my coat and as I was gonna open the door, there he was all smiling and smelling like dandelion wine like always.

"Hey princess" Venti said as he came in for a kiss but I backed away "What's wrong?" Venti asked "Didn't you noticed that it's already 11 p.m." I said which he could tell I was mad.

"I'm sorry we searched everywhere near Mondstat that we went out for a few drinks and I didn't notice the time" Venti said as he chuckled a bit.

"Go ask Diluc for a bed so you can sleep in his house" I said as i closed the door and locked it.

"Wait, princess I'm sorry i just came late that's all" I heard Venti say but i ignored it as Bright looked at the front door.

"Don't open it" I said as Bright followed behind me, he has to learn how important it is for a pregnant girl to be with her partner but instead he goes out and then drinks wine.

Ughhhhh!! I can't stand him anymore.

I decided to close my eyes but i just couldn't sleep without Venti in my arms.

I decided to cuddle his side of the pillow and hoping that would make me tired enough to sleep.

"Becky don't you think it was unnecessary to just close the door on him?" Bright asked "No, just go to sleep" I said as i closed my eyes again.

"He didn't mean to though and I-" Bright was gonna say something but i interrupted her "If your on his side then be my guest and join him!" I said as I had enough of her too.

I heard Bright whimper which i was gonna say sorry but this time I'll just let it be as i closed my eyes again trying to sleep.

"I'm sorry" Bright whispered and i heard it, I opened my eyes only to see Bright in front of me as she layed down beside me.

"I'm sorry for not noticing that you were feeling really lonely" Bright said as a tear came down my cheek and i noticed that I've been crying this whole time.

"It's ok but I'm sorry too, I just feel lonely these past days and ever since Venti showed me the moonlight that night, he's been very distant and it feels like it's turning back to my childhood and how everyone would ignore me or just say a few words and leave me all alone" I said as my voice cracked, Bright laid her head on my lap as I sat up.

I could feel Venti's feelings and it felt like he was crying or he was just sad but I had to ignore it.

"Let's go to sleep" Bright said and I nodded, my tears wouldn't stop coming down my cheek but I had to sleep and even if it means not sleeping next to Venti today.

Why am I the one who always feels left out.

Authors note - Hey guys well hope you liked this chapter and hope you are all doing good and staying safe but here's a little update on me publishing a chapter.

So since I update everyday well now I'm gonna update every 2 days because I have so much stuff to do and I just need a one day break sometimes so here's a little example on what day's I wont update a chapter.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

The bolded words are the days I will publish so the only days I won't update a chapter is on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so yeah but Thats all I had to say guys but seriously stay safe and stay inside just in case.


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