Chapter 22

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Becky pov
Xiao came in for an attack! Venti couldn't fight in time as Xiao missed Venti and headed towards me, Noelle and Barabara came in front of me as I backed away more.

Venti was now again in front of me "Your not taking her" Venti said as he grabbed my waist next to his, "You are an idiot Venti, you didn't claim her yours and now its my turn to claim her instead of you" Xiao said as I looked at Venti.

Venti looked at me back with sad eyes, which I still don't understand what claiming meant which I really hope it isnt what I think it is.

"She's mine and mine only" Venti said looking at Xiao again as Xiao moved forward so did the rest of the group.

"Ha don't make me laugh with that kind of attitude Venti" Xiao said moving forward not caring if Diluc or Aether were moving forward too.

"Signora" Xiao said as he stood still in front of Diluc and Aether, Signora came in front of us when the group got thrown out of the way and Venti tried to keep his place but failed as he got send back.

Xiao grabbed my waist but Bright came out and growled at Xiao and Signora as they looked surprised "I guess you did find your spirit animal" Xiao said as Signora tried to move bright but she didn't move.

Bright chuckled "Weaklings" Bright said as she just sat down in front of me "Excuse me!?" Signora said as she looked at Bright "I said weaklings did you not understand me?" Bright said as she stood up and threw into a bigger wolf.

Signora took out a sword as she stabbed Bright as I screamed but I didn't see blood or anything, it went right through Bright as she looked at the sword and Signora next.

"You shouldn't of done that" Bright said as she began to step her paw on the floor and a big crack on the concrete appeared as it opened almost making Signora fall in it.

Bright started running as her whole body started to glow, she ran towards Signora looking at her for the last time before she finished off Signora.

Venti pulled my hand dragging me away from Bright but I looked back and Bright was running towards me as she came inside me in time before the barrier closed.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we continued running but Venti didn't answer me and neither did the rest of them, a portal appeared out of nowhere in front of us as we went inside.

I had my eyes closed as I felt someone touch my cheek and that made me open my eyes and I saw Venti smiling at me as I looked around and we were in Mondstat.

"How did we get here fast?" I asked "Lisa summoned a portal before Xiao and the guards could stop us from leaving" Barabara said as she smiled at me.

Venti made me look at him as he sighed and looked at the others as they nodded, "What's going on?" I asked as Venti looked at me again.

"Go to my office and talk" Jean said as she looked at us, I was about to ask why but Venti just grabbed my hand again as he closed the door and locked it as he turned to me.

He came towards me and pulled me into an intense kiss of hunger as he stopped before he could do anything else "We need to talk about our bond" Venti said as he backed away and let me sit down as he knelt down in front of me.

"Do you want to be with me?" Venti asked as he waited for my answer, he holded his breathe hoping my answer would be a yes.

"Of course I do" I said as his eyes sparkled of joy as he kissed my hand "Would you allow me to finish the bond though Becky?" Venti asked as he took both of my hands.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked still not knowing what people meant by finishing the bond, "It is something very inappropriate if I must say but we can do it in two different ways" Venti said as he sighed hard.

He looked at me in the eyes as I saw his green eyes sparkle "The first part is a ritual or should I say a magic mark, you can call it any of the two but it will hurt and by hurt I mean it'll hurt a lot for days, I must use all of my strength to combine my power with yours but you need to activate your powers first to do this mark on each others bodies" Venti said "The mark will appear on the side of your arm which if you show it to any god then that means you've been taken already and that if they try to get close to you or even try to kiss you, the mark won't let the person do it and make them be blown away from you and it'll let me know if someone tried to do anything to you" Venti said as he sat beside me now.

"What's the other one?" I asked as he looked at me "When I kiss you do you feel a sudden urge of hunger if I must say it this way." Venti asked "Yeah sometimes why?" I asked as he already knew why.

"The other one is making love with one another to complete it and it won't hurt a lot but that's what gods usually do, to not make there goddess in pain just by doing a magic mark." Venti said making eye contact with me.

"Oh" I said as I just stayed still for a moment and Venti noticed "Is that why Xiao said that he couldn't resist me?" I asked as Venti's eyes became wide open and mad.

"Was he about to claim you?" Venti asked with a rough voice and I nodded "You came just in time actually" I said putting my head down, What if Venti didn't come in time? What would I have done if I was claimed?

I just heard Venti sigh heavily as he took my arm "I have to choose don't I?" I asked and he nodded as he cuddled me towards him but I already knew my answer.

I want to be with him until the end.

Authors note - Had too much homework today so I published this a little too late but hey I still got it published, hope you like it✌️💖

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