Another stressful day

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Becky pov
It's been just 3 months now but it's been weird lately since well Venti said that Jean isn't acting like herself and there have been problems down in Mondstat lately.

I tried to ask Venti what's happening but he keeps changing the subject which I know I'm pregnant and all but he can't hide anything from me still.

Jean and the rest of the group is acting way more weird than usual and Venti won't stop talking about how Zhongli talked to me.

I knew Venti would get jealous but he didn't have to overreact once we got home that day, anyway I had to find Venti right now even though he said he wouldn't leave my side but of course he had to go figure something out like always.

I just sat down outside the mansion and looked up into the sky as I saw Dvalin come flying up here, that's when I saw Venti and Diluc getting off.

I had to say that my stomach is growing which of course it'll be growing since I'm gonna be having twins which I am definitely enjoying my free time while i can these days.

I was about to stand up when Venti ran in front of me and sat me back down, he keeps saying that I shouldn't walk a lot which I'm barely just 3 months pregnant.

"I can still walk you know" I said as Venti sat next to me "I know but you still need to sit down" Venti said as I noticed that Diluc was looking at us.

"Hi, sorry for not noticing you" I said "It's ok anyway we have a much bigger problem to talk about" Diluc said as I looked at Venti, which he had his head down which always means something happened or someones been taken.

I wonder when our lives will be calm and peaceful again, "What is it this time Venti?" I asked which Venti didn't look at me and now I know that he did keep something from me for awhile since he's not looking at me.

"Venti!" I said "Well you see ummmm it's really nothing that bad but we kind of found out that someone is targeting our babies once they'll be born and use them to create an amount of energy to destroy all living gods in the world and we also found out that the person who's doing this will keep you but only for gods to disappear." Venti said as he smiled.

"That's one way to put it" Diluc said as I stood up fast and entered the house, why did I even do that? I instantly felt dizzy as Venti grabbed me in case I fall.

"Slow down princess" Venti said as he took me to the living room "I know but wait so your saying that I'm danger again😑" I said with a neutral face.

"Hehehe technically no, our babies are in danger not you hehehe" Venti said as he scratched his head, I just gave him my death eye as Diluc cleared his throat.

"We have time to come up with a plan but not enough information about this mans plan since this time it's not Xiao but someone else, Zhongli is helping us find out who it is but it's taking him too much money for the information in the Geo region." Diluc said as I thought how could someone be after my babies.

I thought being pregnant was suppose to feel great but all I feel is stress about my babies right now.

I sighed hard as Venti put an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek, "It's gonna be ok I promise" Venti said as I nodded carefully.

"So what did Jean say?" I asked "Oh right about that too well you see something happened an-" Venti got cut off by Diluc "Faster explanation is that Jean got kidnapped a few days ago and we are gonna try to save her in a few days since we don't really have a plan" Diluc said as I widened my eyes.

Jean got kidnapped and Venti didn't tell me!! I looked at Venti which he knew I was pissed off as he got up and stepped backwards.

"Oh no you don't" Diluc said as he pushed Venti towards me, "Anyway see you two tomorrow" Diluc said as he closed the front doors.

Venti backed up to the wall a bit as I didn't even blink a second "I know I'm sorry but I couldn't tell you since your gonna worry and worrying is bad for our babies so I-" Venti was gonna say something but I cut him off.

"You what! You just wanted to keep it a secret when you know i hate secrets and you should of still told me when I could of helped you two" I said as I sat down which I didn't even look at Venti.

"Do you know where there keeping her?" I asked as I grabbed a pillow "There keeping her in a cave" Venti said which I know it's gonna be cave since where else will they hide a missing person.

"Which one?" I asked which I know each cave now and I am pretty good at plans since I am trained since I became a traveler "All we know is that there are two caves to the south and she's in one of them" Venti said as he came beside me.

"How could you guys not realize what cave shes in since the south caves there is always one dangerous one and no monster would dare to go to that one" I said which I stood up before Venti put his forehead on mine.

"Since there are two caves then the cave to the left is the save one since the right one is always the most feared cave in the south and also the left cave it's gonna be easy to grab Jean since there will only be 27 to 29 monsters inside since there are limited monsters that can come inside, since the cave is small so I would suggest take a few guards but bring Noelle and Aether with you two and you should be able to grab Jean and leave quickly" I said which I looked back to see a shocked Venti.

I guess he forgot how good I am on planning attacks and solving anything, I just walked up to him as he hugged me.

"Have I ever told you that I love you" Venti said as he kissed me, "Many times" I said as I turned around and headed to the room as the sky started to turn dark.

I yawned as Venti carried me to the bed, I immediately went to sleep when I realized that my mood changed to mad to calm easily once Venti kissed me.

I'm starting to love these hormones

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