A trap!

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Becky pov
Today was the day Venti and the others were gonna go look for Jean and I asked if I could go and of course Venti had to say no like always.

I kept asking and asking but I can tell he's holding in his anger since I ask him each day now but before I could ask him today, he left without even saying bye to me which now I don't care what he says because im gonna go.

I know I'm pregnant but Bright said that she'll put a shield around me so I can go but the really problem is that how am I gonna get down there?!

I'm stuck up here and I can't jump down, which Bright said to figure it out but how in the world could I figure it out!

I just took a deep breathe so Venti won't have to come towards me which whenever I feel confused or angry he runs towards me and asks what happened.

What if I just jump and Bright will have to use her powers so I can get down safely? That's one thought which isn't the greatest but I can't call Dvalin since I don't speak dragon at all.

It's not fair that I'm the one always in danger, and I always have to be saved by Venti or the others, but it looks like everyone treats me like a princess just because I'm weak and I'm pregnant too.

I can't really use magic at all since I'm pregnant now but I could still try and maybe Bright could be wrong about me not being able to use magic.

"Alright well here goes nothing!"

Venti pov
We finally made it to the cave as to which Becky told us the plan and were gonna go along with it but out of nowhere I felt scared and worried.

Diluc touched my shoulder which distracted me from the feelings that Becky is feeling, I should go back and check on her but if something bad happened to her then Bright would of told me by now.

I have a huge urge to go back but I can't leave now since we entered the cave already, I hope nothing bad happened to her.

I shook my head as I entered the cave with the group but all we could see are monsters walking back and forth.

I couldn't see a way through, I looked at Diluc which he didn't know either I could tell Becky would know what to do right now.

We were gonna attack when we heard footsteps from behind and saw a glowing light appear behind us.

As I looked again I saw Becky standing all confused, did she teleport!?

I ran up to her as I put her back on a wall so no monsters can see or hear us.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered "I want to help" Becky whispered "Tell Bright to take you back home, it's too dangerous" I whispered which I could tell I made her mad by saying that.

"Well I'm sorry for trying to help you when you have no idea what to do right now mister" Becky whispered as she yelled a bit, I just stayed quiet listening to her "I'm tired of always being saved by you when I can start to take care of myself" Beckg whispered.

"So let me help" Becky said as I nodded, I could tell she was surprised I even said yes but I can't blame her since I always say no to her a lot.

"Ok so what's the problem?" Becky whispered as she looked at the group "There are monsters everywhere and we can't do anything or even sneak by" Aether said as the others nodded.

"Did you guys at least see how many there are?" Becky asked "There are 23 monsters in total" Noelle said as she looked at Becky, Becky stood there looking across the room as her eyes widen.

I could tell she came up with an odes already "Bright" Becky said as Bright came out and she was nodded as she entered.

"What's happening?" I asked "I told Bright to set up a trap and see how many monsters will fall for it an-" Becky was gonna say something else but was cut off by an explosion.

We saw all the monsters on the ground and Bright came towards us "I was gonna say that I told Bright to set up some meat on the ground which wasn't really meat but a bomb which I've been having those for awhile and now I could finally use it" Becky said as she started to walk forward with Bright next to her.

Everyone looked at her surprised which we haven't even thought about that but of course Becky always has the most obvious ideas that we don't think about.

I ran up to Becky and grabbed her close just in case something happens, I could tell Becky rolled her eyes at me but what can I say, I love my goddess.

We entered a dark room which only Bright was the one with light around her wolf form, "Bright could you put light in this whole room" Aether said as Bright did exactly as to what he said.

It was just a plain room but there was a something on the wall and all I could see was the body but not the fact which it looked exactly like Jean.

When I realized that it was Jean! On the wall hanging with a rope on her wrists.

I was gonna run and go get her but Becky stopped me, I looked back at her as I noticed that there were bombs around Jean.

This was a trap, if I tried to get Jean then this whole place will collapse even if I do grab her in time.

"We can't pass through!" Noelle said as we all noticed that the whole floor wasn't just a floor but it was a floor above a ton of bombs underneath it.

This was a trap!

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