I won't have one but two babies!

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Becky pov
I started to pace around as I heard the others fight the monsters, these must be hormones because I don't worry this much and this quick.

I wanted to cry and scream for Venti, all I knew is that I needed Venti in my arms which I just can't calm down anymore.

Bright came out and keeps telling me to calm down "It's gonna affect the baby Becky so calm down" Bright said as she was right, I don't want my baby to be hurt or anything.

I take breathes and it's almost been a whole hour, Where is Venti? Is he ok? I started to panic again which before I could even get up and pace again.

Venti opened the door and hugged me tight in his arms, "I'm sorry I had to" Venti said which I didn't care right now, I just care that he's in my arms.

I sighed in relief as Venti did the same "Awwwww I hope one day I can meet my special someone" Noelle said as she squealed when she looked at us.

"We fought the monsters off but we do know is that Xiao was part of it" Jean said as Venti stopped the hug and looked deep into my eyes.

"Xiao?" Venti said as he started to get mad "Your saying that he almost got Becky and our baby in danger!?" Venti said which he never gets this mad about what Xiao does to anything or anyone.

"Calm down Vent-" Noelle was gonna say something but Venti cut her off "What do you mean calm down! Would you calm down when your own family will get hurt?!" Venti said as we all knew what happened to Noelles family.

I grabbed Venti's arm as I pushed him towards her "Say sorry!" I said as I gave him my death glare "I uhhh am sorry" Venti said which he always gets scared whenever I give him my death glare.

"I know but Venti we weren't trying to get you mad and especially since you have a baby on the way but we do need to find how Xiao found this place and fast" Noelle said which I miss coming up with ideas.

Venti came up to me as he pressed his lips softly on mine and touched my stomach softly "I'm just glad you two are ok" Venti said as he touched my cheek softly.

"I know" I said as Venti put his forehead on mine and we calmed down and relaxed.

I forgot that the others were still here but I just want a loving moment with Venti, I turned to see if the others left and they didn't.

"Xiao didn't find this place" Bright said as she stayed super close to me "He only saw it once and decided to attack it, also it's mostly my fault" Bright said as she put her head down.

"How is it your fault?" I asked "I was the one who took down the barrier for a few minutes and forgot to put it back up" Bright said which I looked at Venti and he nodded.

"It was just an accident don't worry" I said as Bright looked at me "I know but I still put you and the babies in d-" Bright said which she stopped.

Babies?!?!?!? Did she really mean that?

"Babies!" Venti said excited "I nothing" Bright said as she started to walk out of the room.

"Wait, come back here!" I said as Bright stopped and looked at me "I'm having twins?" I asked "Well you've been having twins since you were pregnant before the ceremony and since after the ceremony you two made you know, it made another baby, I was gonna keep it a surprise" Bright said which made Venti jump.

"Were having twins!" Venti said as he hugged me tight, but why twins? Wait so I was pregnant before the ceremony even happened.

That makes so much sense now, I just sighed as the others smiled widely at us "They are ok right?" Aether asked and Bright nodded.

"So your eating for 3 now" Noelle said as she smiled at us "I guess so" I said which Venti never took his hand off of my stomach.

"I already put the barrier and the invisible barrier around it too" Bright said as she walked slowly towards me.

"So I've been extra hungry and tired and very moody because I'm having twins" I asked "Yeah" Bright said as she just stood next to me.

"Congratulations but we have to get going, visit us soon guys" Noelle said as Jean and Diluc said there goodbyes.

I looked at Aether as he still had his smile on his face, "Paimon wanted me to give you this" Aether said as he handed me a little bear chip.

"Tell Paimon thanks for me" I said and Aether nodded as he left the room, I yawned which it's still morning.

It's 11:52pm already which I think I was just tired from the praze, Venti yawned too as we laughed.

"Come on let's go to sleep" Venti said as he took my waist and headed towards our room, I didn't even realize but everything in here was broken and messy.

Venti and I looked at each other "At least we know that we had a great time yesterday" Venti said as I blushed.

I turned around as I headed towards the other master bedroom, I just wanna sleep and clean the room tomorrow.

"I'm still sorry I left you like that princess" Venti said as he cuddled me in the bed, I turned around to look at him as he didn't look at me "It's ok but just don't scare me like that and especially since I'm basically carrying little Venti's or little Becky's inside me" I said as he smiled.

"I know" Venti said as he placed a soft kiss on lips which I'm surprised he didn't to-, no nevermind.

I was gonna say at least he didn't touch my stomach, If im having twins well that's scary but at least Venti would be there with me when their born.

I better enjoy my time being pregnant before the twins come out and were barely gonna have any alone time but since it's Venti's babies then I wouldn't mind since ill feel like ill be with him forever.

Sleep tight little angels

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