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Becky pov
I started to wake up as I felt an arm around my waist but it was touching my stomach, I tried to free myself but I couldn't as I looked back and saw a sleeping Venti next to me.

I just smiled as I looked at his face even though hes touching my stomach for some reason, I just let it go as I tried to stand up again but Venti's grip wouldn't let go.

Can someone knock on the door or something so I can get free, I hope that would happen even though I love cuddles but this isn't a cuddle it's more like Venti just cuddling my stomach.

Out of nowhere someone knocked on the door, I never knew I would be so happy for someone to knock on our door again.

Venti started to wake up as I looked at him, he smiled at me as he noticed his hand.

"Hehe sorry" Venti said as I just giggled a bit "Ill go get it" I said but Venti grabbed my hand and sat me back down.

"No you stay here, Ill go get it" Venti said as he got up and opened the door "Becky! How's the ba-" Barabara was gonna say something but Venti pushed Diluc, Jean and Barabara outside again.

I tried to look over but Venti had the door closed and I couldn't hear anything that they were talking about right now.

I just sighed as I tried to get up but pain came to my stomach again, Venti opened the door when he noticed that I was on the floor.

He came down to me as he carried me to the bed again "I'm ok I just felt pain on my stomach again" I said as Diluc and Jean came inside and looked at me weird.

I wonder what happened while I was asleep, I didn't even notice that it was already night time and I'm starving.

I never knew I would be so hungry "What's wrong?" I asked as Jean got out of her thinking zone "We were just planning to make a party" Jean said as she folded her arms.

"Party? For what?" I asked which Jean would never make a party or even think about parties since shes always working.

"Ummm for Paimons birthday" Jean said as she sounded sarcastic a bit well I don't know she basically sounds just neutral like always.

"I didn't know tomorrow was Paimons birthday" I said as I started to panic a bit which I always give someone a present, I stood up as Venti sat me back down.

"I'm ok plus I need to go buy a gift for Paimon" I said as I stood up carefully hoping the pain didn't come and thank god the pain didn't come.

"We can all go" Diluc said as he stopped leaning against the wall "I'm not gonna get hurt or anything plus just a quick look for Paimons birthday" I said as Venti just looked at my stomach.

Seriously what's wrong with him, first him holding and touching my stomach and now he doesn't even want to leave and he keeps looking down.

"Hello??" I asked as Venti didn't even listen to me when I'm right next to him "Venti!" I said starting to get annoyed "Huh w-what, what happened?" Venti asked as he shook his head.

I never get this mad and especially at Venti, I'm not the kind of person to scream or raise my voice for no reason but today I did, I just started to walk out the door.

I could tell that Venti knew how annoyed I am right now but I left without saying anything, god why do I have to be so dramatic.

I just started to walk to a souvenir shop to see what they have for Paimons birthday which to be honest I never kmew her birthday.

It's weird how her birthday is the next day of my wedding and she didn't say anything about tomorrow being her birthday.

I started to feel really bad and dumb for just leaving Venti, I still wonder where Paimon went too.

I knew Venti would be home trying to not worry about me, but I can't feel his emotions a lot which is weird.

I just shrugged as I started to walk home but I saw a little girl crying in an alley way.

She seems to be alone but why in a alley? That's my only question even though her answer would be like I am just sad like most people would say that since she is in a alley way.

Since when am I so rude, I started to walk towards the girl and she looked up knowing who I am and what I am.

"Why are you crying sweetie?" I asked as she sniffed and tried to calm ber breathing down "I.. I.. Can't find my mom" The little girl said as she started to cry again.

I lifted her cheek as she looked at me "Hey calm down ok? Were gonna find your mom ok sweetie?" I said as she nodded slowly.

I helped her stand up and I wiped off the tears that were still dropping from her eye.

She started to hold my hand really tight, I think she's really scared even though were just walking as it started to become 10:21pm already on the clock.

I didn't know I was gone for an hour even though I didn't buy anything for Paimon which I'm gonna have to explain it to her tomorrow.

I sighed as the little girl looked at me "Are you ok miss" the little girl said as she looked adorable trying to walk by herself.

"Yeah don't worry ok? Now if you see your mommy just yell it out ok?" I said as she nodded, I wish I had a kid that would be adorable.

I started to look around for woman who are searching or looking worried, which any of these woman could be this little girls mom.

I've never felt loved by a mom but I shouldn't think about that now si- "Mommy!" The little girl said as she distracted me by my thoughts.

I saw the little girl running up to a woman who looks very young but she must love her daughter since she has tears in her eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter my goddess" The woman said which made me frown but I just took a deep breathe and smiled at her "Your welcome" I said trying to still keep the smile before my frown comes.

They started to leave as they said their goodbyes and thank you's, I wonder how ill act if one day I become pregnant.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of a little Venti running around the house or a small me running and chasing down Venti since he should be dad material with his goofy jokes.

I was close to being home when I heard someone giggle, ughhh really an alley way well no one was crying so I let it go but I wonder who it is.

Why would someone be in a alley way, I peaked a bit and saw Venti kissing a girl!!

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