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Young Aurora and Draco sat at the king table in his home, waiting for the dinner to begin as they stayed silent

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Young Aurora and Draco sat at the king table in his home, waiting for the dinner to begin as they stayed silent. It had been the first time they met and they haven't said a word to one another as their parents spoke .

"Aurora here will be attending Hogwarts this fall." Henry, her father, said with a proud smile. "She's truly a gifted young witch."

"Yes..." Marcissa said slowly, "We hear she is quite...different."

Genevieve, her mother, nodded. "She posses some rare abilities, but it's all the same. She's just another witch." She said as she glanced over at her, a little disappointed.

Aurora had the ability to control the weather, they found out after a temper tantrum that ended in one of their many homes being struck by lighting. She also had managed to find the white wand in their home, it presented itself to her in the moment her house burned.

She hadn't told anyone, not even her parents who seemed to be more and more hungry for power than ever. If they found out she would have to be taken care of and there was no way she'd go back to living in the shadows.

Aurora blushed a deep shade of red as she looked down at her plate. "Eat your veggies Darling." Her father said as she shook her head.

"Those poor baby carrots didn't have to die." She said as she furrowed her eyebrows starring down at them in potty.

"They aren't actually babies." Draco said slowly, watching her carefully as she glanced over at him .

"Oh." She hummed, "Then of course father." She said as she dug into her plate before smiling over at Draco. "Are you also going to Hogwarts?" She asked.

He nodded eagerly, "And I'll be sorted into Slytherin just like my father." He said proudly as Aurora smiled even wider.

"I hope I get Slytherin too! My mother talks about it all the time. My father was actually Gryffindor but we don't talk about that." She gushed as her parents glared at her.

"Aurora." They said sternly before continuing their conversation with the Malfoys.

Aurora then leaned in closer to Draco, "Between me and you...under all that fake politeness..." she mocked in her mother's tone quietly trying to suppress her giggles, "She's a troll."

Draco rushed to cover his mouth with his small hands as a laugh erupted from his lips. "I have a feeling you and a I are going to be good friends."

Aurora smirked slightly, "The bestest."


Aurora and Draco walked into their first day of school ready to learn and lead. Ever since that day they had been attached to the hip and wanted nothing more then to continue doing so.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now