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||47|| ARRIVAL

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ONCE THEY GOT TO THE END, AURORA'S EYES LIT UP WHEN SHE SAW NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM. She immediately wrapped her arms around him, "Oh it's so nice to see a friendly non judgmental face." She said as Draco snickered.

"What's he doing here?!" Neville asked as Aurora immediately stepped between them, sticking her hands in front as to sway him from hurting Draco.

"He's with me. It's a long story but me okay?" Aurora asked, lowering his wand slowly as Draco sighed.
That was easy, Aurora thought.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm" He said as Longbottom nodded slowly and confused before he greeted the others.

"Yeah, really long." Ron muttered under his breath as Aurora whipped around to face him. Draco narrowed his eyes at her, almost as if he was telling her to calm down.

"And how do you expect me to react?!" Aurora blurted out. The other four, excluding Draco, glanced at eachother.

"Aurora..." Hermione said slowly, "Are you alright?!"

She whipped around to face them, "No I'm not alright! My best friends, my supposed best friends don't trust me." She said as they saw the anger forming in her eyes. "They trust some old man rather then the time and pain I've put into our friendship."

Neville frowned, "what's going on?" He asked as Harry ignored him.

"I never said I didn't-"

Aurora couldn't hold it in anymore, "You didn't have to!" She cried, tears falling down her pale cheeks. "Your bloody body language and actions speak louder. You haven't looked at me or even acted the same since I got back!"

"I'm sorry it's just a lot to take in!" Ron said as Draco scoffed, shaking his head.

"Let's go Aurora, the others are waiting." He said as he wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs and kissed her forehead.

As Aurora stormed away Draco turned to face the others, "Get your fucking shit together," he snarled, "If even sheds a single tear again, I'll skin the lot of you." He threatened in a low tone before heading after her.

Neville stood there stunned, "What just happened?" He shakily asked.

Draco was furious they had acted there stupid while Aurora broke at their mistrust. He hated them. In that moment he wished them to evaporate into little dusts for hurting her even if she had done everything to prove herself for them.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now