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||31|| THE NOTE

||31|| THE NOTE

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"How long will you be?" Draco asked as he stood by the book.

Aurora bit her lip, "I don't know." She whispered, "I need to work somethings out before I could go back." She replied before she took a deep breath and looked at the clock.

Draco closed his eyes for a second, "Just come back, come back to me." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around her, "I know a lot of people will die for this war but not you-not bloody likely."

Aurora's smiled wavered, "Of course not." She said as she pulled away, "Go now." She said, tears filling her eyes. "I'll be back when I can be. Come back only, and only if, you need help with the cabinet . I'll do additional research on it and we'll figure out a way to get your mother out of her bind."

Draco nodded, kissing her once more. "Be safe." He mumbled as he began to reach down for the book. Aurora wished there was more time, or that they were in a different circumstance as she gave him one last look.

"And leave my friends alone."

Draco smirked, "Sorry couldn't hear you." He said before grabbing the book and returning to Hogwarts. Aurora smiled and crossed her arms over her chest as she touched her lips, the smile never fading as she went about her busy day.

There was so much they needed to talk about, like the fires, the death eaters, the Order and so on. But in their fleeting and vulnerable moment they didn't dare ruin it.


Instead they just pretended they were two normal teenagers, without the weight of the world crushing down on them before they returned to their realities.

Their cruel, harsh realities.


For a month, he didn't hear from her. He tried to act as if she were still gone-he really did, but the fact that she wasn't made him...happy.

"Pansy what did you get for number seven?" Blaise asked as Draco focused on his paper. With Aurora gone he weaseled himself into second place regarding grades, just behind the know it all Hermione.

"Dragon scale and eye of newt." She replied as he wrote it down, copying her.

"What are you doing over the break Draco?" Pansy asked quietly, ever since the news of Aurora She made sure to tip toe around him. It was sensitive.

Draco didn't look up, "I'm going home, like always." He muttered under his breath as the doors to the library opened and in came the trio looking to sit somewhere.

"Those three are always up to something, bloody git's." Blaise said as he worked on his assignment. Draco glared at Harry who seemed to notice him. "They're nothing." Draco said, making sure he was loud enough.

Hermione scowled at him before Ron shook his head, "He's not worth it." He said softly as he held her arm. Draco clenched his jaw and stood up abruptly, gathering his things to head to his single dorm.

As he made his way to the door Hard called after him, "You know where she is...don't you." Harry said quietly, making sure no one was around.

Draco whipped around to face him, "I don't, but if I did I wouldn't tell you three. You're the reason she was there in the first place." He spat, glancing around.

"She needs to come back, there are things to be done-" Harry tried again only to be cut off by Draco.

"She's not your tool to summon whenever you need her." His jaw clenched, "She's a person."

"Just like Muggles." Hermione blurted out, "They're people too."

The tension thickened between the three as Draco chuckled dryly, "When are you..going to get it?" Draco's voice low and threatening, "I could care less about pathetic mudbloods, the only reason I haven't obliterated the lot of you is because of her. I wouldn't push it." He spat, eyeing her up and down with disgust before turning his heel and leaving.

"Is it just me or is he meaner..." Ron asked as he glanced around his friends. "Definitely meaner." Harry said, sighing lightly.

"He knows where she is." Hermione piped in before she furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't understand how she can like him. He's cruel and-and inhumane."

"Perhaps Aurora found a secret side to him," Ron shrugged, "A really hidden side of him."

Hermione couldn't help but resent Aurora in that moment. How could she like him when he's said mean things about her? Bullied her?

"Come on." Harry mumbled, leading them to a section in the library to get research done. "He won't tell us."


Draco entered Aurora's room again, every time finding it easier and easier to sneak into it as he sat there holding her jumper in his arms.

"It's almost Christmas." He mumbled, "And you're not here."

He glanced over to one of the pictures and watched as it moved, her smile immediately making him happy as he stood up and grabbed it. He sighed and made his way back towards the door when something caught his eye. A plain sheet of paper.

He grabbed it and frowned, why would she keep it next to her bed? What importance did it have that it stayed there? He thought as he flipped it around. There was no writing. She was very particular with the things she kept nearby.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows before he tucked it into his pocket and made his way back out. He'd figure it out eventually or at least she would come back and they would do it...together.

He closed the door behind him and made his way out, making sure there was no one there before walking. As he snuck out he saw Spencer sitting by the fireplace, his hands on a photo of Aurora.

A nasty feeling began to form in the pit of Draco's stomach. As he slowly walked by, "She was lovely." Spencer's voice echoed throughout the room.

Draco raised an eyebrow, "You believe her gone?" He asked as Spencer shrugged.

"She'll be gone either way." Spencer said as he turned to face him, "You-know-who isn't one to let others go lightly."

Draco nodded slowly, "I wouldn't know." Draco shrugged as he left the room, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach before he went back towards his room.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now