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"YOUR PETTINESS IS AT A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL MALFOY." Aurora said as she played with a pebble in the middle of the floor, in their dungeon.

"Because I don't eat red apples?" Draco asked from the gates. "Why would I want red when it's Gryffindors colors."

Aurora stifled a laugh as she looked up, "I've been in here for a whole day, where's the action?!" He groaned in displease. "It's nice of Cissy to let you visit me while everyone else is gone".

"It's the least she could do, you saved me." He whispered, feeling guilt. "I just wanted to see you..." he said as she gave him a small smile.

Clearly being stuck in here was begining to make her a little angry but she sat up again and tried to reach for him only for her chains to send a harsh static through her body. "Ah!"

Draco immediately moved to try and open it, forgetting he had to okay both sides and stopped. "I'm going to get you out of here, I promise." He said, his jaw clenched as Aurora struggled to sit herself back up.

"I'll only leave if you-" Aurora a groaned quietly as she steamed end head on the wall, "-you come with me. Otherwise I'll be sitting here, waiting for my moment."

Draco sighed, "You're too stubborn for your own fucking good." He muttered, slightly annoyed as Aurora winked in his direction weakly.

That was a week ago.

"Give us the wand pretty girl." Greyback cooed into Aurora's ear as he held a knife to her stomach. Aurora didn't move.

"I already told you-you bloody mutt-no." Aurora spat, wincing as he drew it down her exposed stomach. "Buy me a drink at least-Ah!" Aurora whimpered as the all familiar Cruciatus curse hit her body.

Genevieve Lexington held it, watching as she screamed in agony and trashed around before letting it go. Aurora slumped on the ground and cried as her body began to ache and spasm slightly

I hate you, Aurora thought over and over as she felt her cold face on the floor. I hate you. She couldn't help but think about everything Genevieve had done for her, baked her a cake with Henry or even taught her how to play the piano. Did it all mean nothing? All those precious moments Aurora held dearly...gone.

"Take her back," Genevieve said as she ruffled her hair, starring at a mirror. "Make sure she's tied up right. The Dark Lord will come today for the rehearsal dinner."

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now