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AURORA AND DRACO USED ANY MOMENT THEY COULD SPARE TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. Sneaking around Hogwarts was exhilarating and was on occasion the reason Aurora was late to her classes.

But there was a shift with Draco, he never spoke about the mark or his task. Whenever Aurora tried to help him with it he would reject it and grow angry because of it leading to fights between them.

It always ended with him apologizing in the most Draco like way, his fingers in her as she purred his name into his ear and tugged at his hair.

Alas, it wasn't enough for Aurora.

When she knew she liked him, she knew it would a little difficult because before that they were best friends and she had seen some pretty terrible things on his behalf as well as vise versa. His mood swings were contagious and sometimes, he would take it to far.

Draco paced back and forth with a couple of spell books on the ground as his mind began to work. The cabinet would require magic, a lot of it and not just any kind but the dark kind. The one he was told would eat up his soul and attach itself like a leech.

"Draco..." Auorra said quietly as she opened the door and made sure to close it behind her, she held a tray of food in her hands.

Draco immediately covered it up, "What?" He asked as she inhaled sharply and set the tray in front of him.

"You missed lunch, just wanted to bring you some food and to tell you...that I'm busy this evening and cannot have you over." She said slowly, not wanting to lie but also not wanting to say what she was really up to.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Where will you be?" He asked, a little annoyed that she was putting someone else before him. He loved her, he didn't want to loose her to anyone or even share.

Auorra stared at him for a second before sighing, "I've got to go." She muttered, "Please eat something." She said as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.

He gripped her wrists and instead swerved so she would kiss his lips. Aurora melted into his cold touch before pulling away and holding him, "We'll get through this." Aurora whispered, her hands around his waist tightly.

He nodded and kissed the top of her forehead, hoping what she was saying was true, "You'll be late for Snape's class, go on." He said as he pulled away.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now