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THE TRIO WORKED TIRELESSLY TO COME UP WITH A PLAN TO RESCUE AURORA WHILE MAINTAINING THEIR MISSION TO FIND THE SEVEN OBJECTS THAT BELONGED TO TOM RIDDLE. The ones Narcissa and Dumbledore had hinted at.Harry tensed at that but remembered that she had at least someone to argue with, that someone being Draco, while he worked on her way out.

Things were tense all around them and they couldn't help but think about their situation in a different way if Aurora was there to help them. She would have easily came up with something or at least eliminated threats while cracking a joke to make them feel better. Even Hermione felt her absence because everything she knew came from books.

The twins, Molly and the other members of the order didn't take her capture well. But they told the kids that if they go out to get her then they risk loosing Harry and that was unacceptable. The wand Aurora had was protected with the dead man's spell and there was no way she would give it up so it was safe, as for her...they never said anything.

The trio used the Order's safe house and with the help of Creature and Dobby they were able to head over to the Ministry using poly juice potion.

The plan somewhat worked as Ron was injured and they were left with another problem; how to destroy the amulet. Things were tense between them because of the necklace that made them angry or just negatively influenced their actions, words and emotions.

"You think I don't know how it feels?!" Harry yelled in anger and hurt as Ron stood in front of him.

Ron scoffed, "No you don't know how it feels! All your family is dead! One of your best friends is captured because she believes in you-we all did and look where it's got us! In the middle of bloody nowhere!" He yelled as Harry lunged.

Hermione pried Harry off of him, "Stop! She wouldn't want this-"

"She's probably being tortured right this very second!" Ron said, his voice high as he back away from everyone and took the necklace off before throwing it at them.

"I'm leaving." He said as Harry glared at him. "You coming Hermione?"

Hermione didn't move which gave Ron the answer he needed before he scoffed lightly and left. Hermione went calling after him as Harry fell to the floor, thinking about what he had said.

She did sacrifice herself for...well not him specifically, she might as well have though. The Dark Lord was focused on the wand giving them the distraction they needed which gave him more reason to find those horcroxes.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now