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Christmas break came and went as quickly as it shouldn't have. Cedric came back some time earlier to see Auaora and they exchanged gifts. Only this time, Aurora wasn't smiling as much as if she was with Draco.

"Are you nervous about the upcoming game?" Cedric asked as they laid in bed. His arm around her waist as she played with his necklace.

"Yes." She mumbled, "Not really a fan of the water."

"You'll do fine." He said as he kissed her forehead softly, his warm hand sliding up her shirt a little, "You always do."

Aurora nodded, looking up at him and planting a small kiss on his lips. Cedric took this as a sign and deepened it more. Aurora wrapped her arms around his neck as he swung one leg over her while she laid on her back.

Aurora sighed softly as she looked up at the ceiling while he kissed her neck gently. He tugged her shirt upwards as she grabbed his and slit it off of him before tossing it aside. Aurora arched her back a little so he could get it off before there was a loud slam outside.

"Aurora! I need to talk to you-" Draco burst through the door and his face hardened as Cedric groaned in annoyance while she quickly pushed him off of her and pulled her shirt down.

"Sorry to inturupt." Draco spat as Cedric waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"No worries mate." He mumbled as Aurora rushed over to him and grabbed his arm, shooting Cedric a small nervous smile as she closed the door behind her.

"Were you just about to shag?" Draco said in a hushed and jealous tone, his hands clenching as Aurora's eyes widened.

"Can you not call it that? I thought we talked about you not just bursting in here anymore. It makes him a little upset and...jealous." She said as he rolled his eyes.

"Because I suddenly care about his feelings."he said annoyed, "I could care less about what he wants. I'll just come back later." He said, his heart aching a little as he grabbed his blazer.

"I didn't even know you were coming back early." Aurora said, chasing after him and closing the front door so he wouldn't leave. "You said you'd come back a little later."

He sighed, "It's just some stuff at home. I'll let you get back to your-"

Aurora stepped in front of him, "Actually we could just talk about it now...." she said awkwardly as he narrowed his eyes.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now