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The trip to Hogwarts was the same as last year only this year Aurora was by herself, without Draco by her side terryfing the other kids. Aurora took a deep breath and walked through the train towards the cart where her new friend group sat at.

As she opened the door she spotted Draco, his blonde hair making it hard to miss. He wore a black suit and his usual rings rested on his fingers while Pansy and Blaise sat in front of him.

Draco didn't want anyone sitting next to him because that seat was reserved for Aurora and only her.

When he didn't react to her being there, Aurora felt her heart break into a million little pieces. Her skin crawling with embarrassment as she held her head up and waited patiently for the person in front of her to move.

Draco didn't look up, but somehow knew she was wearing her long black coat and a gold belt in the middle, his eyes trained on the green apple in front of him. He didn't dare look at her without thinking back at what happened with his mother. He feared it would be blurted out for the whole train to hear.

As for Aurora, she was embarrassed that she wrote the letter and hadn't heard back all summer nor did he say anything to her. He just chose his side, she reminded herself before she moved past them.

Draco inhaled sharply, her sweet scent filling his nostrils as his friends glanced at each other. "That was painful to watch." Blaise mumbled once she was gone.

"What even happened between you two?" Pansy asked confused as Draco muttered for them to shut up.

"It's none of your business."

As Aurora walked, she noticed people steer clear of her. Her eyes caught the blue ones of a boy she knew. Once she got to the cart she slumped next to Hermione.

"They think I'm the plague." Aurora mumbled as she flicked open a book.

"Are you not?" Ron teased.

She smiled but then heard a knock on the door. "Chocolate frogs anyone?" Someone asked as Aurora trained her eyes away from the sweet goodies.

Harry sighed, "Two please." He said as he took out the money and handed it to her. He then sat back down, "You can't let him ruin your favorite candy." He mumbled as Hermione and Ron spoke.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now