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LILITH MARIE MALFOY • a female spirit of the night
strong, deep thinker, intuitive, independent, enchanting, imaginative, pure, wise, innocent and idealistic.

CAELUM SCORPIOUS MALFOY • the sky, the heavensstubborn, confident, intelligent, resourceful, loyal, cunning, temperamental,  compassionate , and mischievous

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CAELUM SCORPIOUS MALFOY • the sky, the heavens
stubborn, confident, intelligent, resourceful, loyal, cunning, temperamental, compassionate , and mischievous

CAELUM SCORPIOUS MALFOY • the sky, the heavensstubborn, confident, intelligent, resourceful, loyal, cunning, temperamental,  compassionate , and mischievous

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TED LUPIN MALFOY • gift of god
reckless, defiant, loyal, loving, caring, passionate, mischievous, warm, shy, outgoing

TED LUPIN MALFOY • gift of godreckless, defiant, loyal, loving, caring, passionate, mischievous, warm, shy, outgoing

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"James go to sleep!"

"I can't! Why is your house always so cold Caelum!" He said as he sat up.

Caelum sat up as well, "Oh my apologies my guest, the vault in which we keep all the artwork, money and gold-we have to keep it at a certain temperate." He said sarcastically, "Let me close it for you, your highness. Should I also fluff your pillow?"

"I hate you." James muttered as he laid back down, "Where's Teddy?" He suddenly asked.

"Smoking pot in the outside with Jessica." Caelum said as he grabbed his robes, his family crest on it before heading towards the door. "We'll come on will you!" He said in a hushed tone.

James threw a pillow at him, "Anyone ever tell you you're annoying Malfoy?" He asked as he grabbed his coat and they snuck out.

Caelum smirked, "Once of twice." He said, making sure they were quite and headed over to Lilith very large bedroom. She got the biggest and best one with the forest view. Lilith was often spoiled, being the only girl and all.

James turned to Caelum, "What else did you buy from Fred?"

"These smoke bombs." Caelum said as he grabbed a lighter, "Oh don't give me that look. Lilith won't mind-"

"Are we talking about the same girl? The one who gets mad about our tie not being done properly?!" James asked sarcastically, "Or is there someone else?"

"Relax! If anything happens I'll take the blame." Caelum said in a nonchalant tone before lighting one and opening the door.

Though as always, he was one step behind. Lilith was already there blocking them with the Weasley girls. Their matching green pijama sets gleaming in the moon.

"Nice try brother, I reckon you should be faster." Lilith said as she threw it out the window, a smug look on her face.


A loud voice came up from outside and they all rushed to see who it was from the balcony. Just outside was Ted Tonks and someone from his class, Jessica Maroque, sitting by the table just outside.

"Which one of you twats threw it?" Ted asked as Caelum smirked.


"Oh screw you Malfoy!"

"Why are you still holding it?" The twins asked in disbelief, "It's burning your hand."

"He's too stoned to care," Lilith concluded before waving at Jessica who blushed as she hid the blunt behind a plant. Lilith chuckled and pulled away from the balcony before heading back.

James also pulled away from the others, not wanting to discuss how Caelum wanted some and Ted wasn't sharing.

"Alright fine but if our parents find out it's on you." Ted finally gave in as Caelum grinned, "Wicked." He said as he and the twins rushed downstairs to join them.

Leaving Lilith and James.

"Couldn't sleep?" James asked quietly as she gave him a small smile.

"Not really. We knew you two would try something and had to take turns on napping." She admitted sheepishly as he laughed.

James bit his lip, "How was Christmas-"

Lilith laughed softly, "We spent it together only hours ago!" She said as he looked down at his shoes, a smile on his face.

"Sorry-you make me nervous."

Lilith stopped laughing, her eyes widening slightly. "We should go get the others...if my parents found what they were doing-"

"Ted is five years older then us." He said as Lilith but her lip.

"Yes, but..." Lilith couldn't form the words, "How's Um...fifth year treating you?" She asked immediately.

"Good." He said with a sly smirk, "How's fourth year treating you?"

"Good." Lilith said nervously, "Would you like to come...with me to get our quidditch uniform? Together?" Lilith asked, "Unless you and Nancy Bloomingdale are..."

Nancy was a girl in his house, a beautiful striking brown girl with nice freckles who was also very fond of James who was in Gryffindor. Lilith was sorted into Slytherin.

Though the sorting hat thought she would do well in Ravenclaw.

Teddy when he attended Hogwarts was in Hufflepuff. His striking purple and blue hair nearly scared Minerva to death. Poor woman. Now though he had it platinum blonde with the ends as brown after loosing a bet with Caelum, he could get anyone to do anything. He was sorted into Gryffindor as well as the Weasley girls.

"I' that." He said as he bit his lip.

"Oh Merlin that was painful to watch!" Groaned Caelum as he and Clara held hands in the dark while Sara suppressed her giggles with her hand.

"Fuck you Malfoy." James said as he threw his robe at him.

Caelum easily dodged it and smirked, "You wish."

Suddenly the lights were flicked on with magic and everyone felt their hearts stop as they came face to face with no one else but...

"Hey dad."

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now