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THE NEXT MORNING AURORA WOKE UP EARLY AND CHANGED INTO HER UNIFORM AND ROBES, FORGETTING HER TIE. Draco who had woken up before her watched as he lit up a muggle blunt from the bed as she slid on the stockings. He felt his chest tighten as he sat up. "Where are you going?" He asked as Aurora brushed her hair.

"To class." She said as she climbed into bed, "Or did you forget we have potions with Slughorn." She asked, straddling his waist before leaning her head on his exposed chest. He exhaled and put it out by her window.

His heart beat soothed her.

"I didn't forget I just thought we could stay in." He mumbled, trying to kiss her when she pulled away.

"Ta-ya-at, you need to go get changed. Nobody can know we're missing at the same time." She said before climbing off of him. Draco threw a pillow at her and watched as she rolled her eyes playfully before he got up.

Once he was done changing he slipped on his fitted black suit. His traded his uniform for black suits. Aurora bit her lip, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It'll be hard to keep my eyes off of you when you're dressed like this." She said, reaching to kiss him as he smirked.

His hand trailed down her skirt and tapped on her stocking, "And me as well." He said before kissing her and tugging on her lip.

An aggressive knock on the door interrupted him, bringing them back from their bubble of romance. Draco's face hardened before Aurora grabbed her wand, same with Draco.

"It's a shame, whoever it is, I'd hate to obligate them." Draco muttered, as Aurora rolled her eyes at him and walked towards the door.

Aurora opened it and in came Hermione who looked panicky, "What's the matter?" Aurora asked holding her shoulders.

"We need to go to the infirmary now." Hermione said as she looked at Aurora and saw marks on her neck before ignoring them.

Aurora frowned, "Is everyone okay? Where is Harry and Ron?!"rushed to the room, pushing past Draco and grabbing a tie on the ground as well as her wand and robe, "I'll see you later." Aurora rushed out, not giving a chance to answer before she left.

"I'll explain on the way let's go." Hermione said and as they walked the bushy haired brunette told her about the fact that Ron had eaten some candy and was put under a love spell making Aurora mad. "Wait until I get my hands on her..." she muttered as they stormed into the room. "But since when does a love potion take someone to the hospital wing?!"

Harry sat up abruptly, "He was also poisoned..."

Aurora shook with anger as Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall walked into the room. "Girls..." Snape said as he eyed Aurora.

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now