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WORD TRAVELED FAST ABOUT AURORA'S DISAPPEARANCE AND THE WHITE WAND BEING AT LARGE. The trio didn't give up, they would search for her when they could and spent all summer looking for her. When the twins and Molly had heard the news, there was so much crying Ron was scared they'd actually run out of tears.

Especially the twins who had grown to love her like a sister. They spent hours starring at the stuff she had given them.

Molly hoped with her whole heart that she was well, but something told her she wasn't.

Draco on the other hand, spent his time in the Manor surrounded by death eaters while occasionally feeding them intel whenever he could per their agreement. It wasn't until that day that he experienced a hint of happiness as he received an unmarked letter that magically appeared in his room.

"Chocolate Frogs" He read to himself, his eyebrows furrowing as he immediately locked the door to his room.

Draco's heart leaped with joy as he held it tightly and brought it up to smell of. A hint of her smell lingered on it before it vanished.

A wave of relief took over him as he closed his eyes. He had been terrible to her, to her friends, and he was sorry to her. Not about the friends though they deserved it. Draco was just glad he had a sign that she was alive. He had spent all summer wondering and torturing himself, living like he was forced to and not because he wanted to.

He began to walk down the stairs after his mother called him, her soft voice echoing through the mansion. "Draco, we have a visitor." She said, her eyes burning at who it was.

Draco nodded, "Of course." He said as he fixed his shirt and walked down without another word. There at the head of the table say Voldemort, his head held high as the others spoke carefully around him.

"My Lord...last we heard of the girl she was fighting you..." someone said slowly, "After she Um..."

Voldemort sighed, "Dumped a building on me?"

The person gulped and said nothing before nodding. "Yes. We haven't been able to locate her. If she had perished her body would be there..."

Voldemort noticed a new presence, "Draco! What a surprise. Please sit." He said as he motioned for him to sit.

He could feel his mother eyes drilling holes into him as he did as told. "My Lord." He said quietly.

"As you know, Aurora Lexington has gone missing or is just dead-not sure, but I have a new task for you." He said, his eyes narrowing as he told Draco what to do. "Your pathetic father had gotten himself locked up and you will now carry on in his favor."

Aurora. (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now